You should mount the module flat against a wall, at a convenient height for the user. Make
sure that there is a suitable 12VDC supply present. Depending on the construction of the
building walls, you may site the INFO module up to 100m from the 7500r control unit.
You should measure the strength of the signal received from the 7500r control unit at
the intended position of the INFO module. You can use the Cooper Security 790r signal
strength meter for this purpose. If you do not have a 790r, then you can use the INFO mod-
ule itself to display the signal strength, see Testing.
Do NOT mount the unit:
Close to or on large metal structures.
Closer than one metre to mains wiring and metal water or gas pipes.
Inside steel enclosures.
Next to electronic equipment, particularly computers, photocopiers or other
radio equipment.
3. Installation