Device control via voice commands
You can now control your smart devices via Alexa. You
can use the following commands to control your device:
"Alexa, set thermostat to 23°C".
"Alexa, raise/lower the thermostat temperature".
"Alexa, what temperature is the thermostat at?"
Note: The Hub must be installed in the muvit iO Home app and the
thermostat must be linked to the Hub
Quick guide to using Google Home for Smart
Thermostat control
Open the muvit iO Home app, click "Profile", click
"Google Assistant", click "Get", click "Copy" and go to
the Google Home app. Click on the "+" symbol, "Set up
device", "Works with Google", find the "muvit iO Home"
skill, paste the PIN you copied earlier from the muvit IO
app, click on the arrow and click on "Authorise".
Once the account link has been established, you will be
able to see all the smart devices in your account in the
"muvit iO Home" app in the Google Home app. You can
assign rooms to each device if you wish.