5. The Properties dialog box should open automatically. If it does not, right-click
the newly created device under Sources and click Properties
6. Enter the following information under the device Properties:
Device: FHD Capture
Resolution/FPS: Custom
Resolution: Enter the resolution of the source device, up to 1080p
FPS: Enter the framerate of the source device, up to 60FPS
Video Format: YUY2 (USB 3.0) or MJEG (USB 2.0)
Color Space: 709
Audio Output Mode: Output desktop audio (WaveOut)
7. Click OK to save these settings
8. From the OBS main screen, click
the + sign in the Sources panel at
the bottom of the screen and
select Audio Input Capture from
the list of choices
9. Enter a unique name for the
capture device, then click OK
USB 3.0 HD Video Capture Device