7. Operating Failures
Your Resfri Ar refrigerator enables you clarifying doubts on its operation through Self-Diagnosis system.
With it, you can identify the failure reason and why it is happening, as provided by the following table:
Low battery voltage or vehicle electrical installation failure.
The refrigerator was turned off to preserve its battery.
Check the voltage coming to the fridge and whether the vehicle's electrical installation is faulty.
The fan current exceeded the limit supported by compressor electronic unit.
Clean the fan and check whether the cables are properly connected.
Differential pressure equalization process.
Please wait a few seconds for the refrigerator to start operating again.
Please wait a few seconds for the refrigerator to start operating again. Whenever the system is over-
loaded, the compressor cannot keep its minimum 1850 RPM rotation.
Electronic unit turned off due to overheating, in case of high temperatures or overloaded system. Check if
the electrical installation, fuse holder or fuse are faulty.
Electronic unit failure.
Replace electronic unit.