The notification area of the taskbar is in the bottom right
of the screen. Some of the control panels and applications
referred to throughout the course of this manual can be
accessed from here. Throughout this manual you will see an
instruction to open the Control Panel. To access the Control
Panel, use the Windows Logo Key + R key combination and
type "Control Panel". You can pin the Control Panel tile to
Start or taskbar.
The Settings item in the Start Menu (and also as an App) gives you quick access
to a number of system settings control panels allowing you to adjust settings for
System, Bluetooth & devices, Network & internet, Personalization, Apps,
Accounts, Time & language, Gaming, Accessibility, Privacy & security and
Windows Update.
Video Features
The system features both an Intel's Integrated GPU (for power-saving) and an
NVIDIA's discrete GPU (for performance). You can switch display devices, and
configure display options as long as the video drivers are installed.
Microsoft Hybrid Graphics Or Discrete Graphics Mod
Your computer features a dedicated Discrete Graphics Mode (Discrete GPU only),
and a Microsoft Hybrid Graphics Mode (MSHybrid) featuring switchable
graphics technology.
Figure 5 -
Start Menu,
Context Menu,
Taskbar, Control
Panel and Setting