42 | CRR 320 | Work schedule editor
Save XML
Stores the values displayed in the Memory table in a
structured XML file. Any curve data plotted will not be
Export Excel
Exports the measurement data displayed in the Memory
table and the curve data to Excel.
To avoid exporting all the data, individual measure-
ment data records can be selected. This is done by
clicking onto the corresponding line header. Further
lines can be added to the selection by way of
CTRL + click on the line header.
Measurement data records
The measurement data records stored in the wrench
contain the following values:
Consecutive numbering of the
measurement data records
Status of the screwing operation
OK: Green
NOK: Red
Measured value
Torque measured value
Unit of the torque values
Angle measured value
0 for tightening without angle
Curve number if a curve has been plotted.
Otherwise: --
If a curve number is availab-
le, the curve can be displayed by
clicking onto the number.
Lower torque limit value of
the screwing operation
Nominal torque value. Screw-
ing operation target value.
Upper torque limit value of
the screwing operation
Joining torque of the screwing operation
Min angle
Lower angle limit value of
the screwing operation
Nom angle
Nominal angle value. Screw-
ing operation target value.
Max angle
Upper angle limit value of
the screwing operation
Gauge dimension
Gauge dimension of the tool used
for the screwing operation
Screwing operation date
Screwing operation time
If the screwing operation was perfor-
med as part of a work schedule, the num-
ber of the screwing parameter set in
the work schedule will be displayed he-
re. Otherwise the display will be -.
Ident number
If an identification number has be-
en entered for the screwing ope-
ration, it will be displayed here.
Otherwise the display will be ---
0 986 629 502
23.10 Curve data
If, in the Memory table there is a number in the Curve
column, the corresponding curve can be displayed by
clicking onto the appropriate number.
Fig. 18:
Curve data
1) X-axis
2) Interval
3) Plot points
4) Interpolation
5) Torque limit values
6) Angle limit values
7) Automatic angle scaling
8) Print
9) Close
The X-axis selection box can be used to choose the data
presented on the X-axis of the graph.
The available display modes are Time [ms] and Angle
[°]. The graph is immediately adapted if the selection is
The Interval input box specifies the number of points to
be used to plot the curve. An interval value of 4 means
that every fourth value is plotted. All values represented
as a point on the curve are shown against a white back-
ground in the Data table. The values not represented
are in grey.
Plot points
Set a tick for interpolation of a curve by way of the
points. If no tick is set, the individual points are joined
by lines.
Robert Bosch GmbH