8. Troubleshooting
No suc�on
or low suc�on
Breast milk
buildup in the
Breastshield Body
The breast pump
generates only
constant vacuum
instead of
sucking cycles
The pump unit's
exterior got wet
• Make sure the tubing is securely a�ached to the
pump and the Collec�on Kits.
• If problem happens in one side of the collec�on
bo�le, try to switch the tubing to different vacuum
inlet to see if the problem is now switched to the
different collec�on bo�le.
• If yes, the problem may be at the pump unit.
Contact Technical Support for further assistance
• If not, follow the following steps to troubleshoot
the problem in the Expression Collec�on Combo
• Make sure the Expression Collec�on Combo Kit is
assembled correctly. (see pages 13 – 16)
• Center your nipple in the Flange and make sure
there is a complete seal between the Flange and
your skin Press the Diaphragm firmly into the Cup
and make sure there is no gap. (see page 15 step
• Check the Membrane Valve and make sure that it
is properly sealed and securely seated. (see page
• Inspect the Membrane and Valve very closely for
tears or warping. This component is cri�cal to
achieve proper suc�on; even the �niest tear will
adversely affect pump performance. If damaged,
replace the Membrane Valve with one of the spare
valves provided with your Rumble Tuff EZExpress.
If breast milk doesn't appear to be draining fast
enough into the Collec�on Bo�le, reduce the suc�on
se�ng on your Electric Breast Pump to allow the milk
to drain before gradually increasing the suc�on to
the original se�ng.
Contact the Rumble Tuff Customer Service.
Unplug the pump unit from the power source and
turn it off. Dry off the exterior of the pump unit.