Child Safety:
It MakesA DifferenceWhereYourTV Stands
Congratulations on your purchase! As you enjoy your new product,
please keep these safety tips in mind:
Issue []
If you are like mostAmericans,you havea televisionin yourhome,
Many homes,in fact, havemorethan onetelevision,
Thehome theaterentertainment e xperienceis a growingtrend,andlarger
televisionsare popularpurchasesand are not alwayssupportedon the
proper TVstands,
Sometimestelevisionsare improperlysecuredor inappropriatelysituatedon
dressers,bookcases, s helves,desks,audio speakers,chests,or carts,As a
result,TV sets may fall overand may causeunnecessaryinjury.
Sanyo Cares!
Theindustryis committedto makinghomeentertainment
enjoyableand safe,
TheConsumerElectronics Associationformedthe Home
Entertainment S upportSafetyCommitteecomprisedof televisionand
consumerelectronicsfurnituremanufacturers to advocatechildren'ssafety
andeducatecustomersandtheir familiesabout televisionsafety.
Tune Into Safety
1 One sizedoes NOTfit all. Usethe appropriatefurniturethatis
large enoughto supportthe weightof yourtelevision(and other
2 Use appropriateangle braces,straps,and anchorsto secureyour
furnitureto the wall (but never screwanythingdirectlyinto the TV),
3 Carefullyread and understandthe other enclosedinstructionsfor properuse
of this product.
4 Don'tallowchildren to climbon or playwithfurnitureand televisionsets,
5 Avoidplacingany items on top of TVs such as VCRsand remotesthatmay
piquethe children'scuriosity,
6 Rememberthat childrencan becomeexcitedwhilewatchinga programand can
potentiallypushor pulla TV over,
7 Shareour safetymessegeon this hiddenhazardof the home with yourfamily and
CEA, 2500 Wilsoll 8oulevar(i
Arlington, VA22201
Tel 703 £07 7600
Fax 703 £07 7690
wwwCE org
A_t_ orE_
CEA isthe Sponsor, Prcdu_erand Manngerof the Intema_onal CES _ and is a Sector of the E_ctron_cIndustr_sAll_e