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GE WPDH8850 Manual Del Propietário página 6


Idiomas disponibles

Idiomas disponibles

Control settings.
Soil Level
Changingthe SOILLEVEL increases or decreases the washtime to removedifferentamountsof soil.
TochangetheSOILLEVEL, press the SOILLEVEL button untilyou havereachedthe desiredsetting.Youcanchoose
betweenExtraLight,Light,Normal,Heavyor ExtraHeavysoil.
Strain Speed
ngingthe SPINSPEEDchanges the finalspinspeedof the cycles.Alwaysfollow the garmentmanufacturer's care
labelwhenchangingthe SPIN SPEED.
TochangetheSPINSPEED, press the SPIN SPEED button until you havereachedthe desiredsetting.Youcanchoose
betweenNoSpin,Low,Hedium,Highor ExtraHighSpin.Higherspinspeeds are not availableon certaincycles,suchas
Higherspinspeedsremovemorewaterfrom the clothesand willhelp reducedry time,but may alsoincrease the
possibility of settingwrinkleson somefabrics.
Wash Temp
Adjustto selectthe properwater temperaturefor thewash cycle.Theprewashand rinsewater isalwayscoldto help
reduceenergyusageand reducesettingof stainsand wrinkles.
Follow the fabric manufacturer's carelabelwhenselecting the washtemperature.
Tochangethewash temperature, p ress the WASH TEMP button untilyou havereachedthe desiredsetting.Youcan
choosebetween TapCold, C old,Warm,Hot or Sanitize. TheSanitized washtemperatureisnot availableon certaincycles,
suchas Delicates.
Whenselecting the Sanitize washtemperature, t hewasherincreases the watertemperatureto sanitizeand killmore
than 99_ of many commonbacteriafoundin home laundry. T hesanitizewashtemperatureisonly availableon the
Whites/HeavyDutywashcycle.Forbestresults, s electthe heavysoilsettingwhen usingthe Sanitize washtemperature
NOTE: Thefirst10 seconds of thewash fillis alwayscold.Thisfeatureassists in conditioning thefabricandpreventing stains
fromsettingon garments.
Press to start a washcycle.If the washerisrunning,pressingit oncewill pausethe washerand unlockthe door.
It willtake a few seconds for the door to unlockoffer pressing PAUSE. Press againto restartthe washcycle.
NOTE: I f thewasherispausedand thecycleisnot restartedwithin 25 minutes, t hecurrentwashcyclewill becancelled.
NOTE: I nsomecgctes the washerwill drainfirst,thenunlockthedoorwhenit ispaused.
NOTE: T hewasher performsautomaticsystemchecks afterpressing theSTART b utton.Waterwill flow in 45 seconds
or tess. Y oumay hearthedoor tackand unlockbeforewater flows;thisisnormal.
Use the SETTINGSbutton to adjust
the following features:
Dryer Link:
Pressthe SETTINGSbutton.
When "DRYER LINK"appears in
the display, press ENTER.Using
the 4/_
arrow keys, select ON
and press ENTER.
When the washer cycle is
completed, the washer will
communicate with the dryer when
any button on the control panel is
touched or the door is opened.
The washer will display,
and the dryer will display,
The dryer will only communicate
with the washer if the dryer is not
running a cycle.
If the washer starts a new cycle
before the dryer has a chance
to communicate with it,
the information will be lost.
End-of-Cycle Volume:
Pressthe SETTINGS button. When
"VOLUME" a ppears in the display,
press ENTER, t hen select "End of
Cycle".Using the 411/1_ arrow keys,
select High, Medium, Low or Off.
Control Sounds:
Pressthe SETTINGS button, then
select "Volume".When "CONTROL
SOUNDS"appears in the display,
press ENTER.Using the _1/1_ arrow
keys, select High, Medium, Low
or Off.
Display Brightness:
Pressthe SETTINGS button. When
in the display, press ENTER.Using
the 41/1_ arrow keys, select High,
Medium or Low.
Water Hardness
(Only appears when SMART
DISPENSER Pedestal Accessory
is connected
to washed:
This will adjust the amount of
detergent dispensed automatically
for the SMARTDISPENSER. Seethe
Owner's Manual supplied with the
SMARTDISPENSER f or instructions
for use.



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