appfiance must be
grounded, In the event of an
electrical short circult, ground-
tng reduces the risk of electric
shock by providing an escape
wire for the electric current.
is eqo,ppod
with° poworhaving
grounding wire with a ground_
Impmpe_ use0f the
ing plug.The plug must be
plugged into an outlet that is
Ins rlSkof eleclrib ShoCk_
properly installedand ground-
i ed.
::::: ::
=:: Consult a qualified electrician
or service technician if the
grounding Instructions are not
completely understood, or if
doubt exists as to whether the
appliance ts properly ground-
If the outlet is a standard 2-
prong wail outlet, it is your per-
sonal responsibility and obliga-
tion to have it replaced with a
properly grounded 3-prong
wall outlet,
For best operation, plug this
appliance into itsown electri-
cal outlet to preventflickering
of lights,blowing of fuse or
tripping of circuitbreaker.
Do not under any circum-
stances cut or remove the
third (ground) prong from the
power cord.
Do not use an adapter plug
with this eppfiance_
Do not usa an extensioncord
with this appliance, tf the
power cord ts too short, have
a qualified e_ectr|clan or serv-
Ice technician Install an outlet
near the appliance,
a location with a
strong, level floor.
._f"AItow 5 inches of space
between the back of the
appliance and any
adjacent wall
direct sunlight and
heat. Direct sunlightmay
affect the acryliccoating,
Heat sources nearby will
cause higher electrIcFty
Use this appliance out-
doors: This appliance is
intendedfor household
use only. Do not attempt
to operate or store this
_) Bulld this appliance Into
an enclosure,_This
appliance is designed for
a free-standing application
only and Is not Intended to
be "built-in"