How to press the probe
• The probe should be held quite firmly, however it
shouldn't be pushed too hard in order to avoid sig-
nificant skin deformation.
• Point the ultrasound beam towards the head at the
right angle (see the picture 1). Pointing the beam
close to a vertical position or backwards may cause
the beam to reflect from the full bladder and gen-
erate a false pregnancy result.
• If the moistened probe is placed correctly, the
device will signal good contact with the animal's
body by changing the light of the green diode
from continuous into regularly flickering one (fre-
quency of 1 second) and a tone signal pulsating
with the same frequency.
• This is when you should delicately move the probe
in different directions to penetrate the abdominal
chaPtEr 4 | anIMaLs tEstIng
cavity, where ultrasounds will meet the uterine
horn filled with amniotic fluid.
• If amniotic fluid is detected, the light and sound
signal will start pulsating intensely (with the fre-
quency of 4-5 times per second).
If the result of the test in a particular place is nega-
tive (the signal indicating good contact fails to
change into a more intense one), the examination
should be repeated in another place, first closer to
the rear leg and then further from it (remember-
ing that both the probe and the skin need to be
well moistened).
If the pregnancy signal is not obtained despite care-
ful penetration of the abdominal cavity, the result
of the examination should be considered negative,
provided that it has been such for three consecu-
tive days.