Portable Unit 3 in 1 Pac Series Branatech Brand and the related accessories are warranted to the
original purchaser aganist defects in material and workmanship under good use and being installed
the unit within a period of 12 months from the date of purchase. Any of the parts determine that if
is effective and returned to the manufacturer, shipping cost in advance, will be repaired or replaced
by Branatech without cost. The proof of the purchase date and an explanation of the problem or
complaint must accompany the returned part of the machine.
Branatech reserves the right to verify the legitimacy of the defects claimed. The provisions of this
warranty shall not apply to damages resulting from direct or indirect wrong use, negligence, acci-
dents, lack of maintenance, unauthorized repairs or alterations that affect the performance of the
machine or reliability.
Attention Schedule
(Central Time):
Monday to Friday:
8:30 am a 1:30 pm
2:30 pm a 6:00 pm
8:30 am a 1:00 pm
Call us without cost:
01 800 9426 835
Customer Support
MONTERREY N.L. Headquarters:
Av. Gonzalitos No. 512 Col. Mitras Nor-
Monterrey, N.L. México C.P. 64320
Conm.: (52) 81 83467510
(52) 81 83467534
(52) 81 83738802
(52) 81 23162248
(52) 81 23162249