Open Source Licensing
List of used Open Source Components
This document contains a list of open source software (OSS) components used
within the product under the terms of the respective licenses. The source code
corresponding to the open source components is also provided along with the
product wherever mandated by the respective OSS license.
Name of OSS
generated HAL files
Provided that within certain OSS-Licenses (e.g. LGPL-2.0) necessary, reverse-
engineering is allowed for the respective software component to the required extent.
This shall not apply for other components of the software.
CR 11 (H) – 6721850004 (2023/05)
Name and Version of License
(License text Chapter 6)
Apache License 2.0
BSD 3- Clause "New" or
"Revised" License
Apache License 2.0
MCD St Liberty Software
License Agreement v2
Open Source Licensing
More Information
Component Version 5.7.0
Component Version
STM32cubMx v6.2.0