Some examples of the HOME screen are shown below.
Sup +21°C
Equipment start-up/shut-down
If the equipment is switched off, the "HOME" page will display "Off" at the centre.
To access equipment: : press the [▲] key from the "HOME" page.
CAUTION: Upon start-up, the device will stop both motors for 2 minutes to allow for the bypass valve to be repositioned.
The motors will then activate. During this time, the message "Off" will remain on the display and the user will not be able to
make any modifications.
To switch off equipment: : press the [▼] key from the "HOME" page until the text below appears: "Off".
CAUTION: After having selected device shut-down (Off), the air is extracted at maximum speed (for about 3 minutes) in
order to dispose of the condensate accumulated in the heat recovery unit. During this time, the message "Off" will remain
on the display and the user will not be able to make any modifications.
Operating mode selection
To change the operating mode: press the [▲] key from the "HOME" page until one of the following texts below appears:
"MIN", "MED", "MAX" or "OFF". Each text displayed corresponds to a different fan speed and thus a different flow rate.