Alarm: "Int Probe fault"
The device is provided with a temperature probe which measures the temperature of air being released inside. The probe
fault causes the message "Alarm!" to appear on the "HOME" page and the following note appears on the "ALARM" page:
"Int probe Call Ser vice". Press the [] key to access the "ALARM' menu and the following will appear:
Alarm: "Exh Probe fault"
The device is provided with a temperature probe which measures the temperature of air expelled from the inside. Press the
[] key to access the "ALARM' menu and the following will appear:
Call Customer service to request assistance from technical personnel.
Alarm: "Sup Probe fault"
A fault on the supply air temperature sensor generates this signal. After having resolved the problem (through Technical
Service intervention), you can reset the error (answer "YES" for "CALL SERVICE").
Alarm: T sup probe (T < 5°C)
A locking error message is generated if the T measured by the supply air temperature sensor falls below 5°C. The system
remains inactive until any manual reset.
"SETUP' page
Select the "SETUP" menu and press the [] key on the "MAIN MENU" page.
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