The machine is equipped with power voltage compensation equipment. When the power voltage
fluctuation is between±15% of rated voltage, it still can work normally.
When the machine is used with long cables, in order to prevent voltage from going down, bigger
cable is suggested. If the cable is too long, it may affect the performance of the power system. So cables
of configured length are suggested.
1. Make sure the intake of the machine is not blocked or covered to avoid malfunction of cooling
Ground the cables with section area no less than 6mm
in the back of the power source to ground device .
3. Correctly connect the arc torch or hol d er according to the sketch. Make sure the cable, hol d er and fastening
plug have been connected with the ground. Put the fastening plug into the fastening socket at the"-" terminal
and fasten it cl o ckwise.
4. Put the fastening plug of the cable to fastening socket of"+" terminal at the front panel, fasten it clockwise,
and the earth clamp at the other terminal clamps the work piece
5. Please pay attention to the connecting terminal, DC
welding machine has two connecting ways: positive
connection: holder connects with "-" terminal, while
work piece with the "+" terminal. Negative connection:
work piece with the"-" terminal, holder with the "+'
terminal. Choose suitable way according to the
If unsuitable choice is made, it wil
cause unstable arc, more spatters and conglutination.
If such problems occur, please change the polarity ol
the fastening
6. According to input vol t age grade, connect power cable
with power supply box of relevant voltage grade. MakE
sure no mistake is made and make sure the voltage
difference is among permission range. After the abovE
job, installation is finished and welding is available.
If distance of work piece and machine is too far (50-1 00m), and the cables
(torch cable and earth cable) are too long, please choose cable of bigger
section to minimize the reduction of the voltage.
to the housing, the way is connecting screw
-" "'�•� ""' LE
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connected to
t,e ground