The Commodore 1351 Mouse" is a controller designed for use
with the Commodore 64° or Commodore 128™ computers. It
features two buttons on the top, and a ball on the underside
that is rolled upon a flat surface to manipulate onscreen
The mouse has two modes of operation — joystick mode and
proportional mode.
In joystick mode, the mouse emulates a joystick and can be
used with all joystick-compatible software. In this mode, the
left button is the fire button and the right button is usually
In proportional mode, the mouse uses a new technique to
communicate mouse movement to the controlling application
software. That requires the software to know the mouse is the-
re and how to read it. For example, the GEOS™ operating
system can use many different input drivers. One of them is the
Commodore Mouse driver, which can be used with the 1351 in
proportional mode.
The 1351 provides a proportional mode so that applications
can have a fast, responsive pointer that moves easily on the
screen. Joystick mode acts as a fallback for those applications
that don't have installable device drivers. You can therefore
use the mouse as a joystick for older software, and take advan-
tage of the benefits provided by proportional mode with newer
The mouse automatically powers up in proportional mode. To
choose joystick mode, plug the mouse into either joystick port
on the side of the computer and hold down the right button as
the computer is powered up.