2) The left mouse button is mapped to what would be the fire
button on a joystick.
3) The right mouse button is mapped into the SID POTX regi-
ster. If the button is depressed then the SID POTX register
will contain a number < $80. If the button is not depressed
then SID POTX will contain a number >=$80.
4) See the section on SID REGISTER CAUTIONS.
Software interface:
For most applications, the interface for joystick mode should
be just as any joystick driver, and the right button should be
In proportional mode the mouse operates as follows:
1) Mouse movement is tracked internally within the mouse.
The position of the mouse MOD 64 is transmitted to the SID
POTX and POTY registers every 512 us and requires no soft-
ware intervention.
The POTX register is used to read the X position of the
mouse and the POTY register is used to read the Y position
of the mouse.
The register contents are as follows:
Bit Position
POT Register
Sc lpalpalPSlea Pon
Me cuessveed is a don't care bit.
P5-PO ... is the mouse position MOD 64.
Mua ead es is a special (noise) bit (keep reading . . .).
2) The left mouse button is mapped to what would be the fire
button on a joystick.
English Ci'"'C;ONUUUUUOOCt#SC'éS"