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Daewoo MD-BO251GS Manual De Instrucciones página 58


Idiomas disponibles

Idiomas disponibles

Instrucció del producte
• Never use accessories or any extra devices other than those
supplied with the appliance or recommended by the manu-
facturer. Failure to do so could pose a safety risk to the user
and could damage the appliance. Only use original parts and
• Do not operate this appliance by means of an external timer
or remote-control system.
• Do not place the appliance on a heating object (gasoline, elec-
1) Pany de la porta
tric, charcoal cooker, etc.).
• Do not cover the appliance in operation.
La porta del forn de microones ha d'estar correctament tancada perquè funcioni.
• Do not place any objects on top of the appliance.
2) Finestra de visualització
• Do not use the appliance near any open flames, explosive or
• Never use accessories or any extra devices other than those
Permet que l'usuari vegi l'estat de la cocció
flammable materials. Always operate the appliance on a hori-
supplied with the appliance or recommended by the manu-
3) Anell giratori
zontal, stable, clean, heat-resistant and dry surface.
facturer. Failure to do so could pose a safety risk to the user
• The appliance is not suitable for installation in an area where
El plat giratori de vidre s'asseu a les seves rodes; suporta la plataforma giratòria i l'ajuda
and could damage the appliance. Only use original parts and
a water jet could be used.
a equilibrar-se en girar
• Leave a space of at least 20 cm around the appliance for ven-
4) Eix giratori
• Do not operate this appliance by means of an external timer
tilation during use.
or remote-control system.
El plat giratori de vidre es troba a l'eix; el motor que hi ha a sota fa girar la plataforma giratòria
• WARNING! Keep all ventilation openings on the appliance
• Do not place the appliance on a heating object (gasoline, elec-
5) Placa giratòria
free from obstruction.
tric, charcoal cooker, etc.).
El menjar es troba al plat giratori, la seva rotació durant el funcionament ajuda a cuinar els
• Do not cover the appliance in operation.
Special safety instructions
aliments de manera uniforme
• Do not place any objects on top of the appliance.
• This appliance is intended for commercial use.
• Do not use the appliance near any open flames, explosive or
flammable materials. Always operate the appliance on a hori-
t emperature of the accessible surfaces are very high
zontal, stable, clean, heat-resistant and dry surface.
during use. Touch only the control panel, handles, switches,
• The appliance is not suitable for installation in an area where
- Col·loqueu primer l'anell giratori
timer control knobs or temperature control knobs.
a water jet could be used.
• WARNING! Fat and oil become very hot during operation. Be-
- Col·loqueu la plataforma giratòria a l'eix de rotació i comproveu que estigui ben engranada
• Leave a space of at least 20 cm around the appliance for ven-
ware of this.
6) Panell de control
tilation during use.
• If the supply cord is damaged, it must be replaced by the
• WARNING! Keep all ventilation openings on the appliance
Vegeu a continuació en detalls (el panell de control està subjecte a canvis sense avís previ)
manufacturer, its service agent or similarly qualified persons
free from obstruction.
in order to avoid a hazard.
7) Coberta de guia d'ones
• WARNING! If the door or door seals are damaged, the oven
Special safety instructions
Es troba dins del forn de la fregidora d'aire, al costat de la paret del panell de control.
must not be operated until it has been repaired by a compe-
• This appliance is intended for commercial use.
tent person.
• WARNING! It is hazardous for anyone other than a competent
temperature of the accessible surfaces are very high
person to carry out any service or repair operation that in-
during use. Touch only the control panel, handles, switches,
volves the removal of any cover which gives protection against
8) Grill
timer control knobs or temperature control knobs.
exposure to microwave energy.
• WARNING! Fat and oil become very hot during operation. Be-
S'utilitza per col·locar el menjar rostit.
• WARNING! Liquids or other foods must not be heated in
ware of this.
sealed containers since they are liable to explode.
• If the supply cord is damaged, it must be replaced by the
• WARNING! Microwave heating of beverages can result in
manufacturer, its service agent or similarly qualified persons
delayed eruptive boiling, therefore care must be taken when
in order to avoid a hazard.
handling the container.
• WARNING! If the door or door seals are damaged, the oven
• WARNING! The contents of feeding bottles and baby food jars
No traieu mai la coberta de la guia d'ona.

