Always wear safety goggles or safety glasses with side
shields when operating tools,. Failure to do so could re-
sult in objects being thrown into your eyes, causing pos-
sible serious injury.
See Figure 7.
The material to be drilled should be secured in a vise or
with clamps to keep it from turning as the drill bit rotates,
Hoid tool firmly and place the bit at the point to be driIEed.
Depress the switch trigger to start tool.
vlove the drill bit into the workpiece applying only enough
5ressure to keep the bit cutting_ Do not force or appfy side
)ressure to elongate a hole,
i ,
, ,,
Be prepared for blnding or breakthrough, When these
situations occur, drill has a tendency to grab and kick in
the opposite direction and could cause loss of control
when breaking through material, tf not prepared, this
loss of control can result in possible serious injury.
Nhen drilling metals, use a light oil on the drill bit to keep it
from overheating. The oil will prolong the life of the bit and
increase the drilling action_
tf the bit jams in workpiece or if the drill stalls, release switch
trigger immediately. Remove the bit from the workpiece and
determine the reason for jamming°
Your drill's battery pack is equipped with 5 nickel-cadmium
rechargeable batteries, Length of service from each charg-
ing will depend on the type of work you are doing,
The batteries in this toot have been designed to provide
maximum trouble free fife,, However, like all batteries, they
will eventually wear out, Do not disassemble
battery pack
and attempt to replace the batteries.
Handling of these
batteries, especiatiy when wearing rings and jewelry, could
result in a serious burn,,
To obtain the longest possible battery life, we suggest the
Store and charge you r batteries in a cool area, Tempera-
tures above normal room temperature wit_shorten bat-
tery lifeo
Never store batteries in a discharged condition. Re-
charge them immediately after they are discharged
All batteries gradually lose their charge. The higher the
temperature, the quicker they lose their charge, if you
store your tool for long periods of time without using it,
recharge the batteries every month or two. This practice
will prolong battery life_
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