Notesecure safeguard
The Notesecure solution is a wall mounting secure guard to safely place and
lock the Notecart Unifit into the wall. The Notecart Unifit can be place with
either front side or back side towards the wall and locked into position.
Recommended is to place it with front towards to wall, thus safeguarding the
front doors and the devices inside.
Installing Notesecure Safeguard.
Remove the bushings covering the notesecure holes in the Notecart by
pushing them out from the inside. 2 on each side, depending if the Notecart
Unifit is to be facing the wall or the front when locked into position.
The Notesecure must be mounted into the wall. Please follow user instructions which is included
into the Notesecure package.
Top 4-way power panel
The Notecart Unifit comes with preparation for a 4-way power panel mounted in the top surface
for accessory power, such as a access point a printer, or another external device.
Installing the 4-way power panel:
Remove the top laminate from the notecart
Unifit. Push out the metal cutouts in the
middle, and place the 4 way power panel in
the top. Screw it in place with supplied
screws. Take the cable C14 and insert this
to the accessory power outlet tagged "B"
under technical Diagram.
Manual 4 digit codelock
The Frontdoor lock with Code 340 can be changed to a 4 digit mechanical codelock. Please follow
the installation guide accompanied by the mechanical codelock once purchased.
The 4-digit mechanical lock comes with a master key solution so multiple carts can have different
codes installed, but a master key for technical team maintenance.