Manual Grade Mode-Dual Axis Grade (Models KL850V)
Manual mode disengages the leveling feature, allowing the instrument to be placed in any position
to grade.
To activate the Manual Mode, Turn off the ADS (if it is on) and then press the (C) button twice to
enter Manual Grade Mode. (Note: If the button is pressed only once it will enter Cross Axis
Leveling Mode (page13)) (Note: The instrument should be level and rotating before entering manual
mode to eliminate the possibility of error.) Once the button has been pressed the Manual Mode
Indicator Light will blink. Press the (C) button again to return to normal operation.
NOTE: When returning to normal operation the instrument must be within its leveling range. Re-set
the instrument to a level position before pressing the (C) button to the off position.
NOTE: (Model KL850V, ) Once the instrument is in manual mode, the remote can be used to set a
slope in the Y-axis by pressing the UP(H) or DOWN (I)button, or X-axis by pressing the remote LEFT
or RIGHT Arrow Button.
Grade Mode – Dual or Single Axis Grade (Model KL850GR)
The dual grade function allows more specialized site preparations such as road grading, airport
jobs (grading & paving), irrigation, trenching, landfills, slopes and embankments, and pipe laying. (Fig.11)
The Dual Grade Mode screen is the default screen when the instrument
is turned on. Use the MODE button to choose either the X axis or Y axis.
An > on the display will indicate the selected axis. Press the left SELECT
button to increase slope, press the right SELECT button to decrease
slope. Ideally for single axis grade, use the Y axis in order to use the top mounted sight to orient
the instrument to your target, as well as locate the high and low positions within the arc. While
grade on both axes is set to zero, the instrument will continue to self-level. Percentage of grade
can be selected at any time while in this mode. However, the instrument will not go to the desired
grade until the instrument has leveled.
Allow the instrument ample time to react to the input provided. Refer to examples in (Fig. 12) to
predict your results.
To exit Grade Mode, press and hold the MODE button for 4 to 5 seconds. When the button is
released, the MODE select menu is available. (it is not necessary to press and hold the MODE
button to exit any other mode).
NOTE: The total percent grade possible is from a perfectly level base position. If the instrument is
mounted on a tripod head which is not perfectly level, then the grade percentage range
capability would be reduced by the slope of the base, as this affects the tilt range of the
laser head. For maximum grade range, ensure a level tripod head using a spirit level before
mounting your instrument.
FOR ALL GRADE LASERS: For greater accuracy in grade applications, precisely level the laser
level before entering into GRADE MODE.
FOR KL850GR: If the instrument can't achieve desired grade it will give an error
18 • KL850 • KL850V • KL850GR
+ >X
0.00% –