Indirect Measurement
Indirect Height
Note: Indirect measurement is always less accurate
than length measurement or real time measurement.
Depending on the application, greater measuring er-
rors are possible than with length measurement or real
time measurement. To improve the measuring accu-
racy, we recommend using a tripod (accessory).
a. Indirect height measurement
Press the function button 7 [Func] and use the plus
button 3 [ ] or minus button 8 [ ] to cycle through
the measurement functions until the highlighted
square appears over the indicator for indirect mea-
status bar. Press the measure button 2 [ ]. Press
the plus button 3 [ ] or minus button 8 [ ] to cycle
through the indirect measurement functions until the
highlighted square appears over the indicator for indi-
rect height
pear in the status bar. Press the measure button 2 [ ]
to select indirect height measurement.
5'05" ⅓
The measuring values for the distance A and the angle
For indirect measurement, three mea-
suring modes are available. Each mea-
suring mode can be used for determin-
ing distances.
The indirect measurement is used
to measure distances that cannot be
measured directly because an obstacle
is obstructing the laser beam or no tar-
get surface is available as a reflector.
and the word "Indirect" appears in the
and the words "Indirect Height" ap-
Press the measure button 2 [ ] to ac-
tivate the laser. Tilt the laser measure
while keeping the base of the laser
measure stable and point the laser at
the height of the object you wish to
measure. Press the measure button 2
[ ] to take your measurement.
The desired indirect height measure-
ment X will display in the result line e.
(see figure B)