5.6.3 Isolated elevation
1. First adjust an angle of 90° for external
rotation and deactivate motor B as
a. Press the MENU key on the program-
ming unit to access level 1 (M1).
b. Press the parameter key for external
and move the car-
riage to the rotation position of 90°,
using the + / - keys.
– For an exclusive elevation protocol,
motor B for the rotation movement
must be turned off as described in
steps c to e below.
– Having programmed the ranges of
motion, you can program additional
options, such as pause or speed.
c. Press the MENU key on the program-
ming unit to access level 3 (M3).
d. Press the Motor B ON/OFF
parameter key to activate the
e. Deactivate motor B by pressing the
parameter key Motor B ON/OFF again
or the „–" (minus) key. The check mark
in the circle next to the symbol must
have disappeared.
f. Save the entered values by press the
STOP key.
2. Complete the mechanical settings and
adjust the carriage to the patient as
a. Adjust an angle of 90° for horizontal
ing knob (12).
b. Secure and hold the motion element
at the holding tube for length adjust-
ment and open the locking screw
(14) for height adjustment
a height at which the pivot points of
motor A and the shoulder are at the
same level.
c. Now open clamping lever (18) for ad-
justment of the upper arm length
locking screw (20) for adjustment of
the elbow angle
(28) for adjustment of the forearm
, using index-
. Select
and locking screw
rest inclination and set the motion
element to a position that is comfort-
able to the patient and suitable for
the therapy session . When done,
tighten all screws and levers.
d. Open clamping lever (26), adjust the
forearm length
close the clamping lever.
3. In the next step, program the elevation
range of motion as follows:
a. Press the MENU key on the program-
ming unit to access level 1 (M1).
b. Next set the desired range of motion
for adduction and abduction by first
pressing the parameter key for ad-
and set the values
with the +/- keys.
c. Set the abduction
same way.
Having programmed the ranges of
motion, you can program additional
options, such as pause or speed.
4. Save the settings with the STOP key,
set the carriage to the starting position
with the START key and initiate therapy
by pressing the START key again.
to the patient and
value in the