6. 6. 6. 6. 6. T T T T T aking into operation
aking into operation
aking into operation
aking into operation
aking into operation
¡Prior to operation check the apparatus
¡Prior to operation check the apparatus
¡Prior to operation check the apparatus
¡Prior to operation check the apparatus
¡Prior to operation check the apparatus
for its proper
for its pr
for its pr
for its pr
for its pr
functioning and installation in complianc with
functioning and installation in complianc with
functioning and installation in complianc with
functioning and installation in complianc with
functioning and installation in complianc with
these operating instructions and others
these operating instructions and others
these operating instructions and others
these operating instructions and others
these operating instructions and others
applicable r
applicable r
applicable r
applicable r
applicable regulations!
¡If it is applicable, befor
¡If it is applicable, befor
e operation check
e operation check
¡If it is applicable, befor
¡If it is applicable, befor
¡If it is applicable, before operation check
e operation check
e operation check
the correct tinghtering of the bus-bar
the corr
the corr
the corr
the corr
ect tinghtering of the bus-bar
ect tinghtering of the bus-bar
ect tinghtering of the bus-bar
ect tinghtering of the bus-bar
couplings, it is non-normal but in occasions due
couplings, it is non-normal but in occasions due
couplings, it is non-normal but in occasions due
couplings, it is non-normal but in occasions due
couplings, it is non-normal but in occasions due
to the transport these parts can have some
to the transport these parts can have some
to the transport these parts can have some
to the transport these parts can have some
to the transport these parts can have some
movement. The union between enclosues is well
movement. The union between enclosues is well
movement. The union between enclosues is well
movement. The union between enclosues is well
movement. The union between enclosues is well
achieved when the gap (both gaps one in every
achieved when the gap (both gaps one in every
achieved when the gap (both gaps one in every
achieved when the gap (both gaps one in every
achieved when the gap (both gaps one in every
side of enclosur
side of enclosur
es) of the flange Exd joints ar
es) of the flange Exd joints ar
es) of the flange Exd joints are e e e e
side of enclosur
side of enclosur
side of enclosures) of the flange Exd joints ar
es) of the flange Exd joints ar
< < < < < 0,15mm. T
0,15mm. Tor or or or orque of the bolts 30 Nm!
0,15mm. T
0,15mm. T
0,15mm. T
que of the bolts 30 Nm!
que of the bolts 30 Nm!
que of the bolts 30 Nm!
que of the bolts 30 Nm!
Only carry out insulation measurements between
PE and conductors L1, L2 and L3, as well as
between PE and N.
- measurement voltage: < 1 kV AC/DC
- insulation: > 5 MΩ
Then the enclosures have to be tightly closed.
5) With flange joints Exd perfectly greased, less indications in the technical documentation of the
supplied prodoct.
6) For application on Tamb minor of-20ºC, contact us.
Exd flange joints
(gap ≤ ≤ ≤ ≤ ≤ 0,2mm)
Bar couplings
Tinghtering nuts
7. Servicing
7. Servicing
7. Servicing
7. Servicing
7. Servicing
¡The r
¡The responsible of the safe use of these
¡The r
esponsible of the safe use of these
esponsible of the safe use of these
esponsible of the safe use of these
¡The r
¡The r
esponsible of the safe use of these
apparatus is the pr
apparatus is the pr
apparatus is the pr
apparatus is the pr
apparatus is the property!
Inspection and maintenance
¡The national r
¡The national r
egulations have to be
egulations have to be
¡The national regulations have to be
¡The national r
¡The national r
egulations have to be
egulations have to be
The tasks of inspections in explosive
The tasks of inspections in explosive
The tasks of inspections in explosive
The tasks of inspections in explosive
The tasks of inspections in explosive
es have to be done by «qualified»
es have to be done by «qualified»
atmospheres have to be done by «qualified»
es have to be done by «qualified»
es have to be done by «qualified»
Electrotechnical Low V
otechnical Low Voltage Regulations. It is
otechnical Low V
otechnical Low V
otechnical Low V
oltage Regulations. It is
oltage Regulations. It is
oltage Regulations. It is
oltage Regulations. It is
r r r r r ecommended follow the instructions indicated
ecommended follow the instructions indicated
ecommended follow the instructions indicated
ecommended follow the instructions indicated
ecommended follow the instructions indicated
in IEC 60079-17
in IEC 60079-17
in IEC 60079-17
in IEC 60079-17
in IEC 60079-17
¡When the inspections ar
¡When the inspections ar
¡When the inspections ar
¡When the inspections ar
¡When the inspections are in degr
«Detailed» or «Closed», the apparatus
«Detailed» or «Closed», the apparatus
«Detailed» or «Closed», the apparatus
«Detailed» or «Closed», the apparatus
«Detailed» or «Closed», the apparatus
have to be disconnected fr
have to be disconnected fr
have to be disconnected fr
have to be disconnected fr
have to be disconnected from the main
Main checking points:
In particular those components that
affect the explosion, like i. e.:
- The flameproof Exd joints have to be cleaned,
undamaged, without corrosion and perfect
- Exd enclosures undamaged and without
corrosion who can minimise their mechanical
- Protection gaskets in perfect conditions;
- Cable entries without corrosion well tighten to
the enclosures;
- When applying cables do it well tighten in the
cableglands.Every size of cables associated with
the correct size of cablegland.
- When apply seals with a correct internal
compound sealing the cables.
- Holes of cable entries non used must be well
tighten with their correspondent blanking plug.
Others matters to be check, are i.e:
- Electrical connection well tighten;
- Clean electrical switchgear, with a clean and a
dry brush;
- For all electrical components inside of EJ
enclosures the maintenance operations will be
performed according to their own instructions.
¡The flamepr
¡The flameproof joints of these apparatus
¡The flamepr
¡The flamepr
¡The flamepr
have to be gr
have to be gr
have to be gr
have to be gr
have to be greased permanently in or
to ensur
to ensure its pr
to ensur
to ensur
to ensur
e its protection i in fr
e its pr
e its pr
e its pr
water ingr
water ingr
water ingr
water ingr
water ingress and size-up pr
r r r r r est of gr
est of gr
est of gr
ease and corr
ease and corr
est of grease and corr
est of gr
ease and corr
ease and corrosion no using sharp
metalic devices who can damage the surface
metalic devices who can damage the surface
metalic devices who can damage the surface
metalic devices who can damage the surface
metalic devices who can damage the surface
of the joints, and after gr
of the joints, and after greasing they using
of the joints, and after gr
of the joints, and after gr
of the joints, and after gr
oriate gr
oriate gr
approriate gr
oriate gr
oriate grease thermally and chemically
stable, like i.e.:Molikote
stable, like i.e.:
stable, like i.e.:
stable, like i.e.:
stable, like i.e.:
!Play attention in assur
!Play attention in assure the well tatus of
!Play attention in assur
!Play attention in assur
!Play attention in assur
r r r r r esistance heaters and their electrical con-
esistance heaters and their electrical con-
esistance heaters and their electrical con-
esistance heaters and their electrical con-
esistance heaters and their electrical con-
tr tr tr tr trol cir
ol cir
ol cir
ol cir
ol circuit mounted inside the EJ enclosur
cuit mounted inside the EJ enclosur
cuit mounted inside the EJ enclosures,
cuit mounted inside the EJ enclosur
cuit mounted inside the EJ enclosur
because part of the flamepr
because part of the flamepr
because part of the flameproof pr
because part of the flamepr
because part of the flamepr
depend of these functionality!
depend of these functionality!
depend of these functionality!
depend of these functionality!
depend of these functionality!
¡If it is necessary change the supplied
¡If it is necessary change the supplied
¡If it is necessary change the supplied
¡If it is necessary change the supplied
¡If it is necessary change the supplied
screws closing the EJB (cover to box), pay
ews closing the EJB (cover to box), pay
ews closing the EJB (cover to box), pay
ews closing the EJB (cover to box), pay
ews closing the EJB (cover to box), pay
attention when using a scr
attention when using a scr
attention when using a scr
attention when using a scr
attention when using a screw with identical
dimenions and a
dimenions and a
dimenions and a
dimenions and a δ δ δ δ δ > 65kg/mm
dimenions and a
¡The national r
¡The national r
¡The national regulations have to
¡The national r
¡The national r
be observed.
be observed.
be observed.
be observed.
be observed.
The tasks of r
The tasks of repairing have to be made by
The tasks of r
The tasks of r
The tasks of r
«qualified» personnel!
«qualified» personnel!
«qualified» personnel!
«qualified» personnel!
«qualified» personnel!
¡The users ar
¡The users ar
¡The users ar
¡The users ar
¡The users are not authorised to r
sealed parts like glass windows, bushings
sealed parts like glass windows, bushings
sealed parts like glass windows, bushings
sealed parts like glass windows, bushings
sealed parts like glass windows, bushings
and bus-bars. Sent these parts to
and bus-bars. Sent these parts to
and bus-bars. Sent these parts to
and bus-bars. Sent these parts to
and bus-bars. Sent these parts to
Cooper Crouse-Hinds, S.A. for r
Cooper Cr
Cooper Cr
Cooper Cr
Cooper Cr
¡All reparations have to be done without
¡All r
¡All r
eparations have to be done without
eparations have to be done without
eparations have to be done without
¡All r
¡All r
eparations have to be done without
e in degr
e in degr
e in degree
e in degr
ee ee
The repairing ashall be provided acc. the stan-
dard IEC 60079-19 and in compliance with res-
om the main
om the main
om the main
om the main
pective national regulations.
¡Only use geuine spar
¡Only use geuine spar
¡Only use geuine spare parts.For
¡Only use geuine spar
¡Only use geuine spar
Cooper Crouse-Hinds, S.A. explosion
Cooper Cr
Cooper Cr
Cooper Cr
Cooper Cr
pr pr pr pr protected parts see annexe A, for the r
otected parts see annexe A, for the r
otected parts see annexe A, for the rest of
otected parts see annexe A, for the r
otected parts see annexe A, for the r
electrical parts see the technical pr
electrical parts see the technical pr
electrical parts see the technical product
electrical parts see the technical pr
electrical parts see the technical pr
Subject to alteration or supplement of this
product without any advertisement before.
oof joints of these apparatus
oof joints of these apparatus
oof joints of these apparatus
oof joints of these apparatus
eased permanently in or
eased permanently in or
eased permanently in order
eased permanently in or
otection i in fr
otection i in fr
otection i in fr
otection i in front of corr
ont of corrosion,
ont of corr
ont of corr
ont of corr
ess and size-up problems Cleaning
ess and size-up pr
ess and size-up pr
ess and size-up pr
oblems Cleaning
oblems Cleaning
oblems Cleaning
oblems Cleaning
osion no using sharp
osion no using sharp
osion no using sharp
osion no using sharp
easing they using
easing they using
easing they using
easing they using
ease thermally and chemically
ease thermally and chemically
ease thermally and chemically
ease thermally and chemically
® ® ® ® ®
BR2 plus!
e the well tatus of
e the well tatus of
e the well tatus of
e the well tatus of
oof pr
oof pr
oof protection mode
oof pr
otection mode
otection mode
otection mode
otection mode
ew with identical
ew with identical
ew with identical
ew with identical
> 65kg/mm
> 65kg/mm
> 65kg/mm
> 65kg/mm
. . . . .
2. 2. 2. 2. 2.
egulations have to
egulations have to
egulations have to
egulations have to
epairing have to be made by
epairing have to be made by
epairing have to be made by
epairing have to be made by
e not authorised to r
e not authorised to repair the
e not authorised to r
e not authorised to r
epair the
epair the
epair the
epair the
ouse-Hinds, S.A. for r
ouse-Hinds, S.A. for r
ouse-Hinds, S.A. for r
ouse-Hinds, S.A. for repairing!
e parts.For
e parts.For
e parts.For
e parts.For
ouse-Hinds, S.A. explosion
ouse-Hinds, S.A. explosion
ouse-Hinds, S.A. explosion
ouse-Hinds, S.A. explosion
Cooper Crouse-Hinds, S.A.
est of
est of
est of
est of