17 Declaración de conformidad CE
Date of issue: 3. 1. 2011
Conformity declaration issued by:
Commercial name
Registered address
Reg. No.
As the producer of the product - name
Variants of the product:
Description and function designation:
Classification of the product as the medical
A) Declaration
I declare that the said product is safe under the conditions of common use in compliance with the instructions
and that measures have been taken to ensure the conformity of all the products brought to market with basic
requirements of directives related thereto, stated in paragraph B.
B) Fulfilled technical requirements
This product's characteristics comply with the technical parameters related to it and stated in directive
93/42/EEC as amended, which stipulates the technical parameters for healthcare products and in directive
90/384/EEC as amended, which stipulates the technical parameters for non automatic weighing instruments.
C) Means of assessing conformity
Conformity was assessed by the procedure stated in the directive 93/42/EEC as amended, Annex
VII in conjunction with Annex V.
D) Used standards
The said product fulfils the requirements of these harmonized technical standards: EN 60601-
1:2006, EN 60601-1-2:2007, EN 60601-1-4:1996, EN 60601-2-52:2010, EN 980:2008, EN
1041:2008 and non harmonized technical standards: EN ISO 14971:2009, which were used for
assessing of conformity.
Ing. Zbyn k Frolík
managing director
Producto: Multicare
Versión: 02
Linet spol. s r. o.
elevþice 5, 274 01 Slaný, Czech Republic
+420 312 576 111
+420 312 522 668
(Variants are specified in the technical documentation of the
Electrically operated hospital bed intended for use in the intensive
Class Im nonsterile, with measuring function