Allow glue to dry completely.
Do not inflate the kayak for at least twelve hours.
Does not hold
air while inflating
The kayak is sagging or
under inflated
12-electric does not supply enough pressure to fully inflate the kayak. The 12-V can be used to partially inflate the
The kayak will not hold
full pressure for more than a
couple of hours
Kayak still looses air
Tube is kinked or bent in
The fin is bent
After inflating the kayak, turn upside down and leave out in sun for approximately ten minutes. Finn will conform to its
The floor has formed a
large bubble
caused by over inflation. It cannot be repaired and a new floor is needed. It is important to take all over inflation
Water in the kayak
The kayak drifts to one side
Los usuarios de este producto están de acuerdo en aceptar los riesgos que conllevan las actividades en piragua y acuerdan seguir
cuidadosamente todas las instrucciones, precauciones y advertencias antes de utilizar esta piragua.
Por favor, lee cuidadosamente el siguiente apartado sobre precaución:
Advertencia de Seguridad
Las actividades en piragua, pueden ser peligrosas y físicamente exigentes. Como usuario de este producto deberías entender que
realizar actividades en piragua, puede conllevar lesiones serias o muerte. Siempre que utilices este producto, ten en cuenta las
siguientes recomendaciones de seguridad.
Aprende los conocimientos básicos para el uso de este tipo de embarcaciones.
Intenta conocer las pautas básicas de primeros auxilios y lleva equipo de primeros auxilios y de rescate.
Lleva siempre puesto un chaleco salvavidas homologado.
Lleva siempre un casco si practicas en aguas bravas.
Viste acorde con las condiciones climatológicas. El agua fría y/o un clima frío pueden producir una hipotermia. Revisa tu
equipo antes de cada uso, buscando signos de desgaste o fallo.
Nunca navegues solo.
No navegues en ríos en situaciones de crecidas o inundaciones.
Estate al tanto de los niveles de agua apropiados de un río, cambios de mareas, corrientes peligrosas, cambios climáticos y
fuertes vientos de mar.
Observa previamente los tramos que no conoces y portea siempre que sea necesario.
No sobrevalores tus capacidades. Sé honesto contigo mismo.
Consulta con tu médico antes de empezar una práctica regular en piragua.
No debes beber alcohol o drogas que alteren la mente antes de utilizar este producto.
The spring valve uses a plunger system. The only time the plunger should be in the open position
is when you are deflating. Make sure that the plunger is closed to inflate. Push the plunger in and
rotate counter clockwise.
Be sure that the right pump is being used. You need a foot pump or a double action hand pump. A
kayak but one of the other pumps is needed to top it off.
Make sure that the plunger is in the closed position. It should only be open when deflating. If it is
open, the only seal is the black rubber gasket inside the caps. Even then, a little air may still leak
If you have checked all the previous possible reasons for the kayak losing air, then there may be a
pinhole or a puncture somewhere on the tube. Pull tube from outer covers. Inflate. If you cannot
see or hear where a leak may be, take a clean rag with soapy water and begin rubbing the tube. If
a hole is present, bubbles will continuously form. Repair using repair kit. If it is a very small pinhole,
a drop of the glue may be sufficient.
The tube just needs to be adjusted. When kayak is fully deflated try adjusting the position of the
tube inside of the outer shell. Then re-inflate.
original shape. Even if it slightly bent, it will not affect the kayaks performance.
If two of the ridges in the floor have formed one large one, the I-beam has come apart. This is
warnings very seriously.
There will almost always be a little water in the kayak. One reason is the water drips off of the
paddle and into the kayak. Another is some will puddle up on the deck and leak through the zipper.
Make sure that the deck lifts are fully inflated so a puddle does not form. You can also get a spray
skirt from our accessories list from a dealer. This will help keep the inside of the kayak dry as well
as you.
A kayak will always head in the direction of your last stroke. The longer the kayak, the less this is
usually noticed. If it is drifting in the opposite direction, the floor may not be aligned. Make sure that
the floor is properly centred inside the kayak cover. If the floor is off-centre it will cause unevenness
in the kayak.