Sears CRAFTSMAN Manual Del Operador página 28

Tractor cortacesped con motor trasero con arranque electrico
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Emissions Control System Warranty Statement
California, United States and Canada Emissions Centre] Defects Warranty
TheCalifornia Air Resource Board(CARB), U .S.EPAadeB&Sare phasedto explainthe
EmissionsControlSystemWarrantyon your smalloff-road engine(SORE). I n Califor-
nai, newsmalloff-roadenginesmodelyear2006and latermust bedesigned, b uilt and
equippedto meetthe State'sstdgentanti-smogstandards. E lsewhere in theUnitedStates,
new non-road,sparkoignition enginescertifiedfor modelyear1997and latermust meet
similar standards setforth bythe U.S.EPA.B&Smust warrantthe emissionscontrol sys -
tern on yourenginefor the periodsof time listedbelow,providedtherehas beenno abuse,
neglector impropermaintenance of your smalloff-roadengine.
Youremissionscontrol systemincludespartssuchasthecarburetor,aircleaner, i gnition
system,fuel line,mufflerandcatalyticconverter. A lsoincludedmay beconnectorsand
other emissionsrelatedassemblies.
Wherea warrantable conditionexists,B&S will repairyour smalloff-roadengineat no
costto you includingdiagnosis,partsandlabor.
Briggs & Straiten Emissions Control Defects Warranty Coverage
Smalloff-road enginesare warrantedrelativeto emissionscontrol partsdefectsfor a
periodof two years,subjectto provisionssetforth below.If any coveredpart on your
engineis defective,the part will be repairedor replacedby B&S.
Owner's Warranty Responsibility
Asthe smalloff-roadengineowner,you are respoesibbfor the performance of the required
maintenance listedinyour Operating andMaintenance Instructions.B&Srecommends
thatyou retainall your receiptscoveringmaintenance on yoursmalloff-roadengine,but
B&Scannotdenywarrantysoldyfor the lackof receipts or for your failureto ensurethe
performance of all scheduled maintenance.
Asthe smalloff-roadengineowner,you shouldhoweverbeawarethat B&Smay denyyou
warrantycoverage if your smalloff-road engineor a part hasfaileddueto abuse,neglect,
impropermaintenance or unapproved modifications.
Youare responsibbfor presenting yoursmalloff-roadengineto anAuthorized B&S Service
Dealer assoon asa problemexists.The undisputedwarrantyrepairsshouldbecompleted
ina reasonable amountof time, notto exceed 30 days.
If you haveany questionsregarding your warrantyfights andresponsibilities, you should
contacta B&SServiceRepresentative a t (414)259-526£
Theemissionswarrantyis a defects warranty.Defectsarejudgedon normalengineperfoP
mance.Thewarrantyis not relatedto an in-useemissionstest.
The following are specificprovisions relativeto your EmissionsControlDefectsWarrantyCoverage. I t is in addition to the B&S enginewarrantyfor non-regulatedenginesfound
in the Operatingand MaintenanceInstructions.
1. WarrantedParts
Coverageunderthis warranty extendsonly to the paris sted below _neemissions
control systemsparts) to the extent these partswere oresemon _r_e er gme
FuelMetering System
CoWstart enrichmentsystem (soft choke)
Carburetorand internal parts
Fuelline, fuel line fittings, clamps
Fueltank, cap and tether
Air InductionSystem
Air cleaner
Intake manifold
Purgeandvent line
Ignition System
Spark plug(s)
Magnetoignition system
Air injection system or pulsevalve
MiscellaneousItems Usedin AboveSystems
Vacuum,temperature,position, time sensitivevalves andswitches
* Connectorsand assemblies
2. Lengthof Coverage
B&S warrants to the initial owner and each subsequentpurchaserthat the Warranted 6.
Partsshall be free from defectsin materialsand workmanshipwhich causedthe
failure of the Warrantedpartsfor a periodof two years from the datethe engine is
deliveredto a retail purchaser.
No Charge
Repair or replacement of any Warranted Part will be performed at no charge to the
owner, nc_uo_rg diagnostic labor which leads to the determination
that a War-
rained Part is defecttive, if the diagnostic work is performed at an Authorized B&S
Service Dealer as listed in the "Yellow Pages" under "Engines, Gasoline," "Gasoline
En_l nes." "Lawn Mowers," or similar category.
Claimsand CoverageExclusions
Warrantyclaims shaftbe flied m accordancewith the provisionsof the B&S Engine
WarrantyPolicy.Warrantycoverageshall beexcludedfor failures of WarrantedParts
which are not original B&S partsor because of abuse,neglector impropermain_
-[enance as setforth in the B&S EngineWarrantyPolicy.B&S is not liableto cover
failuresof WarrantedPartscaused bythe use of add-on, non-original,or modified
Any WarrantedPart which is not scheduledfor replacementas requiredmaintenance
or which is scheduledonly for regularinspectionto the effect of "repairor replaceas
necessary"shall bewarranted asto defectsfor the warranty period. Any Warranted
Part which is scheduledfor replacementasrequired maintenanceshaft bewarranted
asto detectsonly for the periodof time up to the first scheduledreplacementfor
[na_part. Any replacementpartthat is equivalentin performanceand durability may
se useo m[ne performanceof any maintenance or repairs.The owner is responsible
for the performanceof all requiredmaintenance,asdefined in the B&S Operating
and MaintenanceInstructions.
Consequential C overage
Coveragehereundershallextend to the failure of any enginecomponentscausedby
the failure of any Warranted Partstill underwarranty.
Enginesthat are certified to meetthe CaliforniaAir ResourcesBoard(CARD)Emis-
sions Standardmust display information regardingthe EmissionsDurability period
andthe Air Index. Briggs & Stratton makesthis information availableto the con-
sumer on our emissions labels.The engine emissionslabel wifl indicatecertification
The Emissions Durability Perioddescribesthe numberof hours of actual running
time for which the engine is certifiedto be emissions compliant,assuming proper
maintenancein accordancewiht the Operatingand Maintenanceinstructions. The
following categoriesare used:
Engineis certifiedto be emissions compliant for 125 hours of actual runningtime.
Engineis certifiedto be emissions compliant for 250 hours of actual runningtime.
Engineis certifiedto be emissionscompliant for 500 hoursof actual enginerunningtime.
Forexample,a typical walk-behindlawn mower is used 20 to 25 hoursper year.There-
fore, the Emissiens Durability Peried of an engine with an intermediate rating would
equateto 10 to 12 years.
Briggs & Strattonenginesare certifiedto meetthe United StatesEnvironmentalProtec-
tion Agency(ESEPA) P hase2 emissions standards.ForPhase2 certifiedengines,the
EmissionsCompliancePeriodreferredto on the EmissionsCompliancelabel indicatesthe
numberof operating hours for which the engine has beenshown to meet Federal e mis-
sions requirements.
Forengineslessthan 225 cc displacement.
CategoryC= 125 hours,CategoryB=250 hours,CategoryA= 500 hours
Forenginesof 225 cc or moredisplacement.
CategoryC= 250 hours,CategoryB=500 hours,CategoryA= 1000hours


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