If you discover a defect:
• In case of defects, please turn to your retailer. If your retailer is not able to solve the problem, he will
return the product to the manufacturer, together with a description of the complaint and the original,
dated, proof of purchase. It is not possible to demand exchange or taking back. Repairs will not prolong
the warranty period. Any products returned directly to the manufacturer will NOT qualify for warranty.
This Warranty is in compliance with the European Directive 99/44/EG dd 25 May 1999.
If you have any questions, please call your supplier or dealer (for phone numbers refer to the back of this
user manual). Make sure you have the following information at hand:
• Serial number at the bottom of the orange/white sticker (at the back of the EasyBase).
• The brand and type of car and seat on which the EasyBase is used.
• The age, height, and weight of your child.