Format 2 Output:
The output will be the same value as is on the display. If parts counting it will be the count, if
weighing it is only the weight.
An example output is :
± _ _ _ _ _ _ 1 2 3 . 4 5 _ g _ <cr> <lf>
Parts Counting example:
± _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1 2 5 P C S <cr> <lf>
16 Characters, Begins with the sign, a minus sign for negative weight, or a space for positive weight.
For all examples if the weighing unit is one letter (i.e. grams=g) the 2
used with a space before and after. If it is 2 letters long, the 1st and second position is used with a
space after the second letter, (i.e. 0.12345lb__ ) or if it is 3 letters long all 3 positions are used,
(i.e 123.45dwt).
Input command format:
The scale can be controlled with the following commands. The commands must be
sent in upper case letters, i.e. "T" not "t".
Tares the scale to display the net weight. This is the same as pressing [Tare]
Sets the zero point for all subsequent weighing. Display shows zero.
Would be same as entering a preset tare value of 5.345 from keypad
Prints the results to a PC or printer using the optional RS-232 interface. It also
adds the value to the accumulation memory if the accumulation function is
not set to automatic.
© Adam Equipment Company 2014
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