Clarke GRIZZLY Manual De Instrucciones página 40

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reemplace el filtro de gasolina en línea. Con unas pinzas,
Replace the in-line gasoline lter. Using pliers, loosen the tension on the two hose clamps and
Replace the in-line gasoline lter. Using pliers, loosen the tension on the two hose clamps and
afloje la tensión de las dos abrazaderas de la manguera
slide them off of the lter barbs. Remove the old lter from the gasoline hose. Install a new lter
slide them off of the lter barbs. Remove the old lter from the gasoline hose. Install a new lter
y deslícelas fuera de la espiga del filtro. extraiga el filtro
and replace the hose clamps. New lters can be installed with the direction of ow going either
and replace the hose clamps. New lters can be installed with the direction of ow going either
viejo de la manguera de gasolina. Instale un nuevo filtro
way. Never reverse an old lter. Reference Figure 12.
way. Never reverse an old lter. Reference Figure 12.
y reemplace las abrazaderas de la manguera. Los nuevos
filtros pueden instalarse con la dirección del caudal en
Check the pulsation dampers. The metering pump used on the fog generator tends to deliver a
Check the pulsation dampers. The metering pump used on the fog generator tends to deliver a
cualquier sentido. Nunca coloque un filtro viejo en sentido
slightly pulsating ow of insecticide. For best aerosol particle size, a more even (non-pulsation)
slightly pulsating ow of insecticide. For best aerosol particle size, a more even (non-pulsation)
contrario. Consulte la figura 12.
ow is desirable. A small air chamber pulsation damper is located in the metering pump outlet
ow is desirable. A small air chamber pulsation damper is located in the metering pump outlet
line between the pump and the discharge nozzle. It is a nylon assembly with an air dome that
line between the pump and the discharge nozzle. It is a nylon assembly with an air dome that
Verifique los amortiguadores de pulsación. La
can be unscrewed by hand for inspection. There is a gasket that seals the joint between the air
can be unscrewed by hand for inspection. There is a gasket that seals the joint between the air
bomba dosificadora utilizada en el generador de
dome and the lower housing. The air dome should be checked periodically to make sure that it
dome and the lower housing. The air dome should be checked periodically to make sure that it
niebla tiende a producir un flujo de insecticida
has not become lled with insecticide. If the dome has no air in it, it will not function as a
has not become lled with insecticide. If the dome has no air in it, it will not function as a
ligeramente pulsante. para obtener el mejor tamaño
pulsation damper. When reassembling, be sure that the sealing gasket is properly positioned so
pulsation damper. When reassembling, be sure that the sealing gasket is properly positioned so
de partícula de aerosol, es deseable un flujo más
as to avoid damage caused by pinching. Applying a light coat of oil or grease will prevent
as to avoid damage caused by pinching. Applying a light coat of oil or grease will prevent
uniforme (sin pulsaciones). el amortiguador de
pinching the gasket. Tighten the housing only hand tight when reinstalling. Do not use tools.
pinching the gasket. Tighten the housing only hand tight when reinstalling. Do not use tools.
pulsaciones, que es una pequeña cámara de aire,
Reference Figure 12.
Reference Figure 12.
Figure 12- In-Line Gasoline Filter/Pulsation Dampner
Figure 12- In-Line Gasoline Filter/Pulsation Dampner
Figura 12- Filtro de gasolina en línea/amortiguador de pulsaciones
está ubicado en la línea de salida de la bomba
dosificadora, entre la bomba y la boquilla de
descarga. es un montaje de Nylon con un domo
de aire que puede ser desenroscado a mano para
inspeccionarlo. Hay una junta que sella la unión entre
el domo de aire y la carcasa inferior. el domo de aire
debería verificarse periódicamente para verificar
que no se haya llenado de insecticida. Si el domo no
tiene aire, no funcionará como un amortiguador de
pulsaciones. al rearmarlo, asegúrese de que la junta
de sellado esté posicionada adecuadamente para
evitar daños causados por pellizcos. La aplicación
de una capa delgada de aceite o grasa evitará los
pellizcos en la junta. ajuste la carcasa solamente
en forma manual al reinstalar. No use herramientas.
Consulte la figura 12.


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