TF bench alignment
Recommended tools:
662M4 goniometer, 743A80 50:50 gauge, alignment apparatus
(e.g. 743A200 PROS.A. Assembly)
Perform the alignment and assembly of the prosthetic components in the
alignment apparatus according to the following specifications:
Sagittal alignment prosthetic foot
a–p position of the reference point to the alignment reference
line: See illustrations at the start of the document
Frontal alignment of prosthetic foot
Lateral rotation: Specified by the prosthetic knee joint (see
Page 20)
Sagittal alignment prosthetic knee joint
a–p position of the reference point to the alignment reference
line: -15 mm
Frontal alignment prosthetic knee joint
Lateral rotation: approx. 5°
Connect the prosthetic foot and prosthetic socket using the chosen
adapters. Be sure to follow the adapter instructions.
Sagittal alignment prosthetic socket
In proximal area centred on alignment reference line
Socket flexion
Residual limb flexion of the patient + 5°
Observe the abduction or adduction position.
5.4.2 Static Alignment
Ottobock recommends fitting the prosthesis using the L.A.S.A.R. Pos
TT prostheses: The load line should run approx. 15 mm anterior to the
compromise pivot point according to Nietert.
TF prostheses: The load line should run approx. 40 mm anterior to the
rotation axis of the prosthetic knee joint.
5.4.3 Dynamic Trial Fitting
Adapt the setup of the prosthesis in the frontal plane and the sagittal
plane (e.g. by making angle or slide adjustments) so that optimal rollover
is ensured.
TT fittings:Make sure that physiological knee movement is achieved
after the leg begins to bear weight.
Bench alignment process
Ottobock | 19