Technical specifications
The following specifications apply at 20 °C unless otherwise
Electrical specifications
Insulation range
Nominal test voltages
Terminal voltage accuracy
Insulation accuracy
Short circuit current
Maximum load capacitance
Voltmeter accuracy (DC or AC) 3% ±3 V
Frequency measurement
Frequency accuracy
Voltage range (DC or AC)
Power supply
0.1 MΩ to 1 TΩ
250 V, 500 V, 1000 V, 2500 V,
5000 V
<1000 V 0 to 10% of nominal
test voltage
≥100 V 0 to +5% of nominal
test voltage
Up to 1 GΩ: All ranges ±5%
±2 digits
Over 1 GΩ:
5000 V ±5% ±0.04% per GΩ
2500 V ±5% ±0.08% per GΩ
1000 V ±5% ±0.2% per GΩ
500 V ±5% ±0.4% per GΩ
250 V ±5% ±0.8% per GΩ
1.4 mA ±0.5 mA
5 μF
45 Hz to 65 Hz
±2 Hz
25 to 600 V AC or DC
8 x LR6/AA batteries
Battery life
Environmental specifications
Operating temperature range
Operating humidity
Storage temperature
Insulation protection
Maximum Altitude
Service error with stated environmental limits is twice intrinsic
Safety protection
Insulation CAT III 600 V - applicable standard IEC 61010-1:2001
Measurement Category III is applicable to test and measuring
circuits connected to the distribution part of the building's low-
voltage mains installation. This part of the installation is expected
to have a minimum of two levels of over-current protective devices
between the transformer and possible connecting points.
The product conforms to IEC 61326-1:2005
Dimensions (W x H x D)
5 hours @ 5 kV into 100 MΩ
AA Alkaline LR6
2% error guarding 5 MΩ leakage
on 100 MΩ load
-20 ºC to +55 ºC
90% RH, 0 ºC - 40 ºC
70% RH, 40 ºC - 55 ºC
-30 ºC to +65 ºC
2000 m
220 mm x 115 mm x 163 mm
1.45 kg