- all wiring up must be carried out by specially trained personnel
- an incorrect motor pump connection could result in damage to the device or the pump motor. -
the manufacturer cannot be held responsible for any kind of damage to people and/or things
ensuing from failure to comply with the contents of this paragraph.
- failure to comply with what is stated in this paragraph may cause serious damage to things and/or
serious injuries to people, and the manufacturer declines all responsibility.
- if the power supply cable or the cable between the Sirio and electropump is damaged, only the
manufacturer of the device, its appointee or equally qualified personnel can replace it; this is to
prevent risks to things and people.
WARNING: the auxiliary contact connector is not extractable!
S E T T I N G O F " A U X I L I A R Y C O N T A C T " P A R A ME T E R = " 1 " – Exchange function in the
pressurisation units.
Wh e n t h e " A U X I L I A R Y C O N T A C T " p a r a m e t e r i s s e t
o n " 1 " t h e Sirio is set to work independently (single
system) or to dialogue with another partner device as
part of a twin pump pressurisation unit, depending on
whether the connection cable is used. If the device is
set to work independently no connection is required.
On the other hand, if the Sirio is connected to another
unit to create a pressurisation group, follow the wiring
diagram shown here; for further information on the
operation as part of twin pump pressurisation units see
t h e " P R E S S U R I S A T I O N U N I T S " s e c t i o n i n t h e
Sirio is fitted with a special connector for an auxiliary
contact so that additional functions can be exploited by
interfacing the device with external equipment. The
function of the auxiliary contact depends on the setting of
t h e " A u x i l i a r y C o n t a c t " p a r a m e t e r d e s c r i b e d i n t h e
paragraph on programming. The three operational modes,
relevant functions and connection methods are described