Italtecnica Sirio SR23251 Serie Instrucciones Para El Uso página 32

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Idiomas disponibles
  • MX

Idiomas disponibles

These parameters can be found on hidden pages and usually they should only be changed in the
installation phase. To access these pages switch the device to Stand-b y a n d k e e p t h e " + " a n d " -" b u t t ons
p r e s s e d d o w n t o g e t h e r f o r 5 s e c o n d s . O n c e y o u h a v e e n t e r e d t h e h i d d e n m e n u , u s e t h e " < < " a n d " > > "
b u t t o n s t o s c r o l l t h e p a g e s a n d t h e " + " a n d " -" b u t t o n s t o c h a n g e t h e p a r a m e t e r s . T o r e t u r n t o t h e m a i n
page press the button in the centre.
checked by the installer.
consequent changes in the speed of the motor) it is advisable to set the lower PID values. On the other
hand, when the system's reaction to pressure variations is too slow we recommend increasing the PID
value (max. 50). The default value set by the manufacturer is 25. Use t h e " + " a n d " -" b u t t o n s t o c h a n g e
the values of the PID parameter.
recommended, for pumps submersed over 10 metres the parameter should be set at 70%. In any case, it is
useful to increase this parameter when the start-up of the motor pump is too slow and there is a significant
l o s s o f p r e s s u r e i n t h e s y s t e m d u r i n g t h i s p h a s e . U s e t h e " + " a n d " -" b u t t o ns to change the minimum
frequency values.
intervention time of the protection in case of excessive absorption is inversely proportional to the
overload, therefore a slight overload shall trigger longer intervention times while a great overload will
lead to a rapid interruption. The parameter can be set at a value between 0.5 a 9.7 A. When the device is
switched on if the Imax parameter is set at 0.5 A (manufactu r e r ' s d e f a u l t s e t t i n g ) , t h e p a g e f r o m w h i c h t o
Language: The language used for the menus and the alarm messages can
be selected by the user. Use the + and –buttons to alter the parameter
Rotation direction: The direction of rotation of the motor pump can be
inverted from this page without having to change the wiring of the electric
m o t o r . T o c h a n g e t h e d i r e c t i o n o f r o t a t i o n o f t h e m o t o r u s e t h e " + " a n d " -
" b u t t o n s ; t h e d i r e c t i o n s h o w n b y t h e a r r o w i s merely indicative and does
not represent the actual direction of rotation which must in any case be
PID Control: This parameter is used to set the speed of reaction of the
system to changes in pressure (accelerations and decelerations). Low PID
values represent a slow but more accurate reaction (more gradual start and
stop) while the higher values of this parameter can be used for a higher
reaction speed. When the system is unstable (pressure oscillations with
Minimum frequency: Use this parameter to set the minimum frequency of
the motor pump power supply (i.e. the number of rotations). The value is
expressed as percentage of the maximum frequency value. The parameter
can be set at the following values: 50, 60 or 70%. For surface pumps a 50%
minimum frequency is recommended as set by the manufacturer, for
pumps submersed up to a depth of 8-10 metres a 60% value is
Imax: this parameter is used to set the maximum current that must be
absorbed by the motor pump in ordinary conditions, so that the motor will
stop in case of excessive absorption. The motor shall stop also if the
current measured during operation is lower than 0.5 A following the
interruption of the connection between the motor and the Sirio. The


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