The following network devices has been verified and correctly manage the IP multicast traffic:
• HP 28xx Series switches;
• 3COM switch 4400 Superstack ® 3
(Note: the list above could vary depending on the hardware or software versions of network devices
used. Please, for further information refers to the producer user's manual or to the support web site
It is possible to enter the module from any PC connected to the network by opening the browser (In-
ternet Explorer or Mozilla Firefox) with the IP address that was set initially.
WARNING: To be able to manage the SIG7720 streamer from a remote location (via Internet), you must
know exactly the structure of the network which is inserted. Any devices such as network switch, fire-
wall and proxy servers (hardware or software), configurations or rules addressing and routing tables
could prevent the proper management from the remote location.
These settings will be carried out by the administrator of the network where the encoder will be
It is possible to manage via-WEB all the SIG7720 included in the headend:
• to verify the proper functioning;
• to carry out the reprogramming remotely.
Such operations are possible only after the module configurations as indicated in previous chapters
and after the correct insertertion into the LAN.
In order to manage remotely the SIG7720 module follows these steps:
1. create the proper re-addressing and the appropriate rules NAT / PAT in the router for each module
SIG7720 you need to manage from the WEB;
2. through Internet browser (eg. Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, etc.) digit on the address bar the
public IP static address associated to the router followed by the port number associated with the
module to manage. NOTE: If the IP address of the router is dynamic, it can be combined with
a dynamic DNS authority to a host of service (for example
3. after the SIG7720's login procedure carry out the verification or the new settings.
IMPORTANT: For the security reasons (cybersecurity) all precautions for SIG7720 web remote control
shall be in charge of the administrator of the network (eg. Restricted access PC configurations privi-
leges, etc.).
To update the firmware of the SIG7720 modules, refer to the download section of our Internet web site