INMOTION SCV V10 is a fashion, interesting, and practical travel and commuting device and entertainment utility. In line
with the dynamic balance principle, V10 can detect changes of its body pose with the built-in gyroscope and acceleration
sensor, and accurately drive a motor by the servo control system to adjust accordingly for balance. Users can move
forward, speed up, slow down, brake the unicycle and perform other driving operations by tilting their bodies forth or
back, and also can keep the lateral balance by controlling their bodies.
3.1. Product Serial Number
The serial number, a 16-character sequence normally accompanied by one-dimensional barcode or below two-
dimensional barcode, is the unique identifier of the product. It is used for quality tracing, after-sales service, insurance
claim, lost confirmation, and other occasions.
Please make sure to record and keep the serial number. You can obtain the product serial number from: outer package
of the product and unicycle body.
3.2. Packing Container Inspection
Each INMOTION SCV shall include the following components and parts when leaving the factory: electric unicycle,
charger and User Manual. Please check after unpacking. If there are any missing components and parts, please contact
your dealer.
Product Overview
Do not disassemble or modify INMOTION SCV V10 without permission. Otherwise, it may
result in irreparable damages and harm human body.