Wild herb smoothie
1 sweet apple, 4 stems common sor-
rel, 10 daisies, 2 yarrow leaves, 5 dan-
delion leaves, 2 watercress leaves,
250 ml water
Foodie smoothie
1 ripe peach (de-stoned), 50 g rasp-
berries, ½ banana, 5 watercress
leaves, 10 rucola leaves, 10 baby
spinach leaves, 1 tbsp. birch sugar, ¼
lemon, 250 ml water
Wide-awake smoothie
1 ripe pear, 1 ripe banana, ¼ lemon,
1 handful (approx. 50 g baby spinach
leaves, 1 mint leaf, 250 ml water
Recipes for fruit smoothies
smoothies to taste You can also sub-
stitute fruit tea or fruit juice for water,
or use more or less liquid if you want a
different drink consistency.
Berry smoothie
250 g mixed berries (strawberries,
possibly frozen mixed berries), 1
peeled orange, the scraped out seeds
of ½ vanilla pod, stevia to taste,
100 ml water, 3 ice cubes. Tip: For a
delicious drink, add a large scoop of
vanilla ice cream instead of the ice
Tropical smoothie
200 g peeled pineapple, 150 g peeled
ripe mango, 1 peeled orange, pulp of
one ripe Japanese persimmon, 100 ml
Elderberry-pear smoothie
1 ripe pear, 100 g red grapes,
¼ lemon, 1 pinch cinnamon 100 ml
elderberry juice, 100 ml water, 3 ice
Melon-cucumber smoothie
150 g watermelon, 150 g galia melon,
½ cucumber, 2 mint leaves, 100 ml
water, 3 ice cubes
Breakfast smoothie
2 softened prunes without pit, 2 sof-
tened dried apricots, 1 ripe pear,
2 tbsp. oat meal, 2 almonds, 4 wal-
nuts, 1 pinch cinnamon, 150 ml milk,
buttermilk, apple juice or orange juice
Mirabelle plum smoothie
250 g de-stoned Mirabelle plums,
1 tbsp. lemon juice, 3 drops bitter al-
mond oil, 3 softened dried apricots,
250 ml milk or water
Backed apple smoothie
Wash and core 1 large apple, fill with
2 tbsp. raisons, 1 tbsp. ground ha-
zelnuts, 1 tbsp. honey and 1 pinch
Cinnamon. Place the apple in an ov-
enproof baking pan, bake in the oven
at 200°C, for approx. 20 minutes, let
cool. Mix baked apple with 2 tbsp.
cream, 1 tbsp. rum, 2 tbsp. mountain
cranberries and 200 ml milk.
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