Procedure of making espresso
9. Coffee-powder-fineness adjusting:
On the coffee powder fineness adjusting knob(23) level numbers are
carved from 0 to 18, level 0 means finest, level 18 coarsest.
People can rotate the knob while the grinder is grinding. Before the
machine is shipped out of factory, it si set between level 2 and level 4
(best choice), we suggest you not to change it .
ATTENTION: Making coffee in level 0 will lead the sieve to be blocked
because of too fineness of the powder, you will keep cleaning daily.
But the coffee tastes a little stronger. Too coarseness of powder makes the
coffee flavor weaker.
10. Coffee-powder-volume adjusting:
On the coffee powder volume adjusting knob(24) black dots are showed
from the smallest dot to the biggest dot. The smallest dot means least
quantity, The biggest dot most quantity. People can rotate the knob to
adjust it. It has also been set to the second biggest dot(best choice) before
shipment, we suggest you not to change it.
24. Coffee powder volume
adjusting knob
[ EN p. 9 ]
Version: 8.0
KEN001KVA 19.09.2017
23. Coffee powder
adjusting knob
10. Bean hopper