18 Gateway 2000 Vivitron 700 Video Display
Power-saving function
N o t e : B e c a u s e y o u r
monitor has the power-
saving function, if you
turn on the monitor and
it has no signal input, it
immediately goes into
power saving mode and
waits for an input sig-
St a t e
Po w e r
Co ns um p ti on
approx. 10%
approx 7%
Your monitor is equipped with a power-saving func-
tion. It goes into a power-saving mode if either of the
following conditions exist:
If either the horizontal sync or vertical sync are not
present, the monitor goes into suspend mode. Sus-
pend mode means that the power-saving level is
substantial, yet the monitor recovers relatively fast
when you press a key or touch the mouse.
If both the horizontal sync and vertical sync are not
present, the monitor goes into active-off mode.
Active-off mode means that the power-saving level
is almost at the level of being shut off, and the
monitor takes several seconds to recover when you
press a key or touch the mouse.
Below is a chart showing the three states of power use
your monitor operates in, how much power is used,
how long the monitor takes to recover, and what LEDs
will display for each mode.
Req uir ed
Re sump tio n
Ti m e
approx. 3 sec.
approx. 10 sec.
Po w e r
Power Sa ving
In dic ator
Indic ato r
green LED on
green LED on
orange LED on
orange LED on