Philips SpeechAir PSP1000 Serie Manual Del Usuario página 61

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FCC W rning St tement
Ch nges or modi c tions not expressly pproved by the
p rty responsible for compli nce could void the user's
uthority to oper te the equipment.
This equipment h s been tested nd found to comply
with the limits for
Cl ss B digit l device, pursu nt
to P rt 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits re designed
to provide re son ble protection g inst h rmful
interference in
residenti l inst ll tion. This equipment
gener tes uses nd c n r di te r dio frequency energy
nd, if not inst lled nd used in ccord nce with the
instructions, m y c use h rmful interference to r dio
communic tions. However, there is no gu r ntee th t
interference will not occur in
this equipment does c use h rmful interference to r dio
or television reception, which c n be determined by
turning the equipment o
to try to correct the interference by one or more of the
following me sures:
• Reorient or reloc te the receiving ntenn .
• Incre se the sep r tion between the equipment nd
• Connect the equipment into n outlet on
di erent from th t to which the receiver is connected.
• Consult the de ler or n experienced r dio/TV
technici n for help.
p rticul r inst ll tion. If
nd on, the user is encour ged
CE Decl r tion of Conformity
The conformity with the relev nt EU directives is
con rmed by the CE m rk.
Decl r tion of conformity
Speech Processing Solutions GmbH hereby decl res th t
the devices SpeechAir PSP1000 series fully comply with
the b sic requirements nd other relev nt provisions of
directives 2006/95/EC, 2004/108/EC nd 2009/125/EC.
A complete decl r tion of conformity for this product is
v il ble t tion.
Ni Speech Processing Solutions GmbH ni sus li les
ser n respons bles nte el compr dor de este producto
ni nte tercer s p rtes con respecto
por d ños, pérdid s, costes o g stos incurridos por
el compr dor o tercer s p rtes como result do de
un ccidente, m l uso o buso de este producto o
modi c ciones no utoriz d s, rep r ción, modi c ción
del producto o por no cumplir con l s instrucciones
de oper ción y m ntenimiento proporcion d s por el
f bric nte.
Tecnologí de codi c ción de udio MPEG L yer-3 con
licenci de Fr unhofer IIS y Thomson Licensing.
Este m nu l del usu rio es un documento sin c r cter
contr ctu l. No sumimos ningun respons bilid d por
los c mbios, errores o errores de impresión.
l s recl m ciones
Datos técnicos


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