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Glutz Toby DVR5 Manual De Instrucciones página 5

Regulador de fueloil


Haga que un especialista lo revise una vez al año.
Puesta en servicio
En el manual de instrucciones del aparato de calefacción consta cómo poner en funcionamiento tanto el aparato como
el regulador. Cuide sobre todo que la palanquita (4) esté engatillada durante el funcionamiento. Para ello es preciso
levantar o tirar de ella hacia arriba. El regulador de fueloil no puede desconectarse con esta palanquita.
La potencia calorífica deseada se regula con el botón giratorio (1).
Eliminación de posibles averías
Las averías del aparato de calefacción o del regulador de fueloil pueden deberse a diversas causas. Si a pesar de
seguir las instrucciones siguientes no logra repararlas, llame a un especialista.
EI fueloil no llega al quemador o llega en cantidad insuficiente
Compruebe que hay fueloil en el depósito. Está abierta la válvula de cierre del regulador? Está la palanquita (4)
engatillada según se indica en la puesta en servicio? Está el botón interruptor (1) del regulador de fueloil en la
posición correcta? En ese caso, le recomendamos proceder coma sigue: Elimine la «carbonilla» que se acumula con
el tiempo en el punto por donde el fueloil entra en el quemador. Gire el botón regulador (1) hasta la posición de paso
máxima y pulse con fuerza la clavija de accionamiento (2) para eliminar la posible suciedad que se haya acumulado
en la varilla dosificadora (Fig. A). Quite el tornillo del filtro (6) (Fig. B) y limpie el filtro con fueloil, petróleo,
gasolina o agua caliente. Atención! Recoja el fueloil que se vierta.
Quite el tornillo de vaciado (5) (Fig. C) y deje que salga la suciedad o el agua que pueda haberse depositado.
Instructions for Use for Toby Oil Controls DVR5
Your oil stove is equipped with the world famous Toby oil control. The oil control serves on the one hand, to control
the flow of oil to the burner, thus also regulating the heating capacity and, on the other, it is the stove's safety valve.
Although the Toby oil control is robustly built and simple to handle, certain conditions must nevertheless be fulfilled,
as is the case with all devices of this kind, if it is to function smoothly. Several million Toby oil controls are at
present functioning to the utmost satisfaction of their users and if you take note of the following points you will also
be satisfied with your Toby oil control.
Use only clean fuel oil / kerosene which is free from all aggressive elements or additives.
Refrain from forceful manipulation of the oil control.
Have your oil control serviced annually by an expert.
Putting the Oil Control into Operation
The instructions for use accompanying the heating appliance will show you how to put both the heating appliance
and the oil control into operation. Particular care must be taken to ensure that the control lever (4) is latched during
operation. This is done in the case of Toby DVR5 by means of lifting or pulling it upwards. Toby DVR5 cannot be
switched off at the control lever.
In the case of the Toby DVR5 oil controls, the required heating capacity is set by means 01 the control knob (1).
The Repair of Possible Functional Disturbances
Functional disturbances in the heating device or the oil control can take various forms. Should you not succeed in
putting matters right in spite of having taken the measures described below, the help of an expert must be enlisted.
No oil - or too little oil - flows to the burner
Is oil available? Is the lock-out valve in the pipe leading to the oil control open? Is the control lever (4) latched in
accordance with the instructions for putting the device into operation? Is the control knob (1) of the oil control
correctly set? If so, we suggest the following procedure:
De-coke the burner feed. Set the control knob (1) at maximum and tap the actuating pin (2) sharply so that any
possible dirt of the metering stem is removed (picture A).
Remove the filter screw (6) (picture B) and wash the filter in fuel oil, petrol, benzene or hot water. Note: catch the
fuel oil flowing out! Remove the draining screw (5) (picture C) and allow any dirt or water to flow out.
Glutz AG, Segetzstrasse 13, 4502 Solothurn, Switzerland
Tel. +41 32 625 65 20, Fax +41 32 625 65 43,

