To enter USER PROGRAMMING, hold the display button down for 5" as the battery voltage - with no active load - is
being displayed.
You can program the following, in the order indicated:
LANGUAGE: select using buttons P1 and P3. Give the display button a short press to memorise your setting
and open the next page.
Default = ITALIAN.
PROGRAM 1 PRESSURE XXX : program 1. Operating pressure of brushes. The displayed parameter can be
reduced by pressing P1 or increased by pressing P3. Parameter X can range from 0 to 100. Give the display
button a short press to memorise your setting and open the next page.
Default = 020.
PROGRAM 2 PRESSURE XXX. Identical to program 1. Pressure XXX relates only to program 2.
Default = 040.
PROGRAM 3 PRESSURE XXX. Identical to program 1. Pressure XXX relates only to program 3.
Default = 070.
POWER OFF YES/NO: enable POWER-OFF. The parameter can be changed with button P1 or P3.
Give the display button a short press to memorise your setting and open the next page.
Default = YES.
BRUSH UPSTROKE YES/NO: brush rises during reverse movements. The parameter can be changed with
button P1 or P3.
Default = YES.
FILTER SHAKER. Filter shaker activation mode. The parameter can be changed with button P1 or P3. Possible
settings are:
Give the display button a short press to memorise your setting and open the next page.
Default = 1.
Translation of original instructions)
SF 0 automatic with traction activated
SF 1 automatic with traction deactivated
60" AUTO
120" AUTO
180" AUTO
240" AUTO
300" AUTO
360" AUTO
420" AUTO
480" AUTO
600" AUTO