Table 4-2: Runscreen Thumbnail and Preview Image Icons
Processing Underway Image is not yet
available. Most likely, it is still being
processed for the scan.
Image Not Saved This image has
metadata but has no image file. The page
type was configured to not save this image
to disk.
Snippet Out Of Bounds This image
was set up to not be the entire piece.
However, when trying to extract the image
for batch output, the specified region was
found to lie completely outside the
boundaries of the item's edges. No disk
image was written for this reason.
Image Unavailable Attempted to load
the image from disk but failed. The
request did not time out, so the disk to
which the image is stored may be down or
Image Timeout Attempted to load the
image from disk but the request timed out.
Network might be busy or the host might
be busy writing other active items to disk.
System Busy The image is not in the
cache but the system is too busy, so an
attempt was not made to load it from disk.
An attempt will be made when the system
is not busy. The host software is probably
in the middle of scanning or finishing up
writing the last scanned items to disk.
Falcon+ Operator Manual
OPEX Corporation
Appears in
CertainScan Edit?
Should not appear
Should not appear