RGB Input Features
Grayscale / Color to Black & White
A valuable and unique tool of the Artograph Digital Art Projector LED200 is the
ability to easily change your projected images from color into black & white, with
no effect on your original image file. Color images can be shown in grayscale for
use in tone and contrast evaluation, as well as making it easier to trace.
Select MENU then SCREEN.
On the SCREEN menu, below the Grid Pattern is Colored Picture.
Press OK and arrow to choose color ON or OFF.
Press OK.
Image Orientation
Mirror or flip your images to match the orientation of your projection surface. Again, there
is no change made to your original image file or input source.
Select MENU then SCREEN
On the SCREEN select PJT MODE and press OK
Front, Front Ceiling, Rear, Rear Ceiling
Change the image to match the orientation you are projecting.
Choose your setting and press OK.
Artograph Digital Art Projector LED200 Operation Guide