R&S IN4000A
5 Maintenance
Only qualified personal may carry out any maintenance work.
5.1 Scheduled Maintenance
Depending on the degree of contamination in the surroundings it is necessary to clean
or to replace the air filter in the ventilation grid. The time interval depends on the
environmental conditions in which the power supply is used. It is highly recommended
to clean the air filter at least once a year.
To remove the filter mat proceed as follows:
Figure 11: Location of Air Filter R&S IN4000A
Regularly ensure by optical inspection that air can circulate unhindered through
ventilating grid on the front panel and the punch holes on the backplane.
Otherwise the Power Supplies R&S IN4000A are maintenance free.
5.2 Taking Care, Cleaning
5.2.1 Taking Care
Such measures involve cleaning and touching up slight blemishes at the varnish of the
system. The materials indicated on the list of materials (see Table 5) are required:
User Manual 6105.5822.02 - 02
1. First turn off power supply by mains switch on the front plane and unplug
mains connection from X1 on the backplane.
2. To remove the screw out the eight undetachable screws (see Figure 11) from
the protection front lid.
3. Remove the filter mat and clean it by using compressed air or water.
4. Re-insert the cleaned and dried filter mat into the ventilation duct.
5. Refit the front lid and screw in the eight screws with a Torx T10 screwdriver.
Finally plug in mains connection again.
6. Now it is safe to turn on power to the power supply again, by switching mains
switch F1 to "I"
DF SAMBAND 100 023032
Scheduled Maintenance