THROTTLE CONTROL LEVER (A)___________________________________
The throttle lever is situated on the left hand side of
the operator beside the seat.
The lever should be moved forwards to increase the
engine speed and rearwards to decrease the
engine speed.
NOTE: Engine should be used at full speed.
STARTER SWITCH (B) ___________________________________________
The starter key switch is situated on the left hand
side of the operator beside the seat.
The starter key should be turned clockwise to the
'pre-heat' (No. 2) position to heat the glowplugs
when the amber warning lamp goes out on warning
lamp display module turn the starter key clockwise
to the 'start' (No. 3) position to start the engine. After
starting, the key should be released and allowed to
return automatically to the 'on' (No. 1) position for
normal running.
CUTTING CIRCUIT PRESSURE (A ) _________________________________
A pressure gauge is fitted to the machine which
enables pressure in the cutting cylinder drive
circuit to be checked. The gauge is situated on the
right of the operator on the forward facing
panel in front of the cutting unit lift levers.
Analogue Display
Digital Display