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Steering the Tractor
Your i1000seriestractor is equippedwith an innovative
steeringdesignwhich is somewhat d ifferentfrom that of
the traditionalsteeringwheeltype lawntractor.Turning
the steeringwheelnotonly turnsthe front wheels,but
also controlsthe drivelinkageof the two hydrotransmis-
sions that drivethe tractor.Thisfeatureallowsyou to
vary the radiusof turns froma normalwideturn downto
a zeroturn. Somepracticemaybe requiredto become
accustomedto the steeringof yourtractor.Thesteering
worksas follows:
° The steeringwheelturns approximately two turns stop
to stop.With the center positionbeingthe straight
ahead position.
° Minorturns of the steeringwheelfrom the center
position(up to approx.100 ) will turnonly thefront
axles and resultin widerturns.
° Increasingtheturn of the steeringwheel (beyond10°)
resultsin increasinglytighterturns.As the steering
mechanismturnsthe front wheels,it alsochanges
the positionof the transmissiondrivelinkageto slow
downthe inner rearwheel in the turnand adjust the
speedof the outerwheelas necessaryto complete
the desiredturn. Turnthe steeringwheelback to the
center positionas the turn is completed.
NOTE: It is not necessarytoreleasethedrivepedal
whenmakinga turn. Thechangeto the transmission
linkageoccursregardlessof howfar the drivepedal is
depressed.Whenthesteeringwheelis straightened,the
tractorwillreturnto thespeedset by thedrivepedal.
° Turningthe steeringwheelfully to its stop in either
directionwill fully turnthe front wheels,reversethe
directionof the innerwheeland adjust theouter wheel
speedto executea zeroturn in the chosendirection.
Turnthe steeringwheelback to the centerpositionas
the turn is completed.
NOTE: As the steeringwheelis turnedfurther toward
its stop, theeffortneededto tum thesteeringwheel
IMPORTANT:Makingtight or zeroturnson grasswill
greatly increasethe potentialfor defacement o f the turf.
Driving On Slopes
IMPORTANT: R efer to theSLOPE GAUGE onpage3 tohelp
determine slopes whereyoumayoperate thetractor s afely.
Mowup and down slopes,neveracross.
• Watchfor holes,ruts, bumps,rocks,or otherhidden
objects. Uneventerraincouldoverturnthe machine.
Tallgrass can hideobstacles.
• Avoidturns whendrivingon a slope.If a turnmust
be made,turndownhillon the slope.Turninguphill
increasesthe possibilityof a tractorrollover.
• Avoidstoppingwhendriving up a slope.If it is neces-
sary to stopwhiledriving up a slope,start up smoothly
and carefullyto reducethe possibilityof flippingthe
Moving the Tractor Manually
If for anyreasonthetractorwill notdriveor youwish to
movethe tractor, e ngagethetwo hydrotransmission
bypassrodsto manuallymovethe tractorshortdistances.
IMPORTANT:Nevertow or dragthe tractorwiththe rear
wheelson the ground.Evenwith the bypassrodsengaged.
Doingso willdamagethe transmissions.
Toengagea bypassrod,pull the rod rearwardthroughthe
slot untilthe offset form the rod is outsidethe hitch plate.
Thenturnthe rod in eitherdirectionand releaseso that
the offsetis lockedagainstthe hitchplate. Engageboth
bypassrodsto manuallymovethe tractor.See Figure8.
Bypass Rods
/ Disengaged
Offset F orm Locked Against
Figure 8
Todisengage,turnthe rod to align with the slot and
releasethe rod back throughthe hitch plate.
NOTE: Thetransmissionwill NOTengagewhenthe
hydrostaticbypassrod is pulledout. Returnthe rod to its
normalpositionpriorto operatingthetractor.
WARNING: To helpavoidblade
contactor a thrownobjectinjury,keep
petsat least75 feet from the machine
whileit is in operation.Stop machineif
anyoneentersthe area.
Thistractorisequipped withoneof CubCadet's highquality
cutting decks. T hefollowing information w illbe helpful w hen
usingthecutting deckwithyourtractor.
Do not mowat high groundspeed,especiallyif a
mulchkit or grass collectoris installed.
Forbestresults itis recommended thatthefirsttwolaps
becut withthedischarge thrown towards thecenter.
Afterthefirsttwolaps,reverse thedirection to throw
thedischarge to theoutside forthebalanceofcutting.
Thiswillgivea better appearance to thelawn.
Do notcut thegrass too short.Shortgrass invites
weedgrowthand yellowsquicklyin dryweather.
Mowingshouldalwaysbe donewith the engineat
full throttle.
To help avoid blade
contact or a thrown
children and pets
at least 75 feet from
the machine while it
Refer tothe SLOPE GAUGE
on page3 tohelp dete_ine
operate thetractorsafelyl
Never attemptto movethe
tractor manually withoutfirst
engagingthe reliefvalve.
Doing so rnaydamagethe
tractor, s transmission.
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