The mowing deck is
capable of throwing
objects. Never operate
the mower deck with-
out the chute deflector
in the down position
Failure to do so could
result in serious
personal injury and/or
property damage.
Underheavier c onditions i t maybe necessary t ogo
backoverthecutareaa second timetogeta cleancut.
Do notattemptto mowheavy brushand weeds
and extremelytall grass.Yourtractoris designedto
mow lawns,not clearbrush.
Keepthebladessharpand replacethebladeswhen
worn.Referto CuttingBladeson page25 of this
manual f or properbladesharpeninginstructions.
IMPORTANT:Whenstoppingthe tractorforany reason
whileon a grass surface,always
* Placethe shiftleverin neutral,
Engagethe parkingbrake,
Shutengineoff and removethe key.
Doingso will minimizethe possibilityof havingyour lawn
"browned" byhot exhaustfrom yourtractor'srunning
Thei1000seriestractor d ecksareequippedwith a
mulching kit. Themulchkit whichincorporates special
blades,alreadyon yourtractor,in a processof recirculating
grassclippingsrepeatedly beneaththe cuttingdeck.The
ultra-fine clippingsare thenforcedbackintothe lawnwhere
theyact as a natural f ertilizer.
Observe thefollowing pointsfor bestresults whenmulching:
Neverattemptto mulch if the lawnis damp.Wet grass
tendsto stickto the undersideof the cuttingdeck
preventing proper mulchingof the clippings.
Do notattemptto mulch morethan 1/3the total height
of the grassor approximately 1-1/2inches.Doingso
will causethe clippingsto clump up beneaththe deck
and not be mulchedeffectively.
Maintain a slowgroundspeedto allowthe grass
clippingsmoretimeto effectively be mulched.
Always position throttle control l everin theFAST (rabbit)
position andallowit toremain therewhilemowing. F ailing
tokeeptheengine atfullthrottle places strain on the
tractor's e ngine anddoesnotallowthebladestoproperly
mulch grass.
NOTE: It is not necessaryto removethe chute deflector
to operatethe mowerwith the mulchplug installed.
• Themulchpluginstalled at thefactorywasremoved
earlierin the"Setting up yourLawnTractor" s ection. T o
reinstall t hemulching plug,proceedasfollows:
Installing Mulching Plug on 46" Decks ONLY
• Raise andholdthechutedeflector i n up position.
° Locate the1/4inchholeinthetopofthemulching plug.
Withtheholefacingupward insert t hemulching plugfully
intothedischarge opening ofthedeck.
° Alignthemulching plugholewiththeholeinthetopof the
deckdischarge. Insert t hecarriage boltthrough thetopof
thedeckandthemulching plugand secure withthewing
nut.Refer to Figure 2 on page9
Installing Mulching Plug on 50" Decks ONLY
• Pivotthe chutedeflector u p to accessthe deck
° Locate two notchesin thechutedeflector h ingebracket
abovethedeckdischarge opening.
° Insertthemulch plugintothedeckdischarge opening.
Makesurethetwotabsonthetopoftheplugarein the
notches ofthehinge bracket. L ightlytap on the plugwith
yourhand to assurethat the tabs fit snugly intothe
° Whileholdingthe mulchingplug in position,fully lower
the chutedeflector.
WARNING:The mowingdeck is capable
of throwing objects.Neveroperatethe
mowerdeckwithoutthe chutedeflector
in its downposition,evenwith the
mulchingplug installed.Failureto do so
could resultin seriouspersonalinjury
and/or propertydamage.