The CaliforniaAir ResourcesBoardand MTDConsumerGroup Incare pleasedto explainthe evaporativeemissioncontrol systemwarrantyon your2007 lawn
mower.In California,new lawnmower mustbedesigned,built and equippedto meetthe State'sstringent anti-smogstandards.MTDConsumerGroupInc must
warrantthe EECSon your lawnmowerfor the periodof time listed belowprovidedtherehas beenno abuse, neglector impropermaintenance of yourlawn mower.
Your EECSmay includepartssuch as the carburetor,fuel-injectionsystem,the ignitionsystem,catalyticconverter,fuel tanks,fuel lines,fuel caps, valves,
canisters,filters, vapor hoses,clamps,connectors,and otherassociatedemission-related components.
Where a warrantable condition exists, MTDConsumer Group Inc will repair your lawn mower at no cost toyou including diagnosis, parts and labor.
This evaporativeemissioncontrol systemis warrantedfor two years. If any evaporativeemission-related part on your equipmentis defective,the part will be
repairedor replacedby MTDConsumerGroupInc.
As the lawnmowerowner,you are responsiblefor performanceof the requiredmaintenancelisted in yourowner'smanual. MTDConsumerGroup Increcom-
mendsthatyou retainall receiptscoveringmaintenance on your lawnmower,but MTDConsumerGroupInc cannot denywarrantysolelyfor the lack of receipts.
As the lawnmowerowner,you should howeverbe awarethat MTDConsumerGroupInc maydenyyou warrantycoverageif your lawn moweror a part hasfailed
due to abuse, neglect,or impropermaintenanceor unapprovedmodifications.
Youare responsiblefor presentingyour lawnmowerto MTDConsumerGroupInc's distributioncenteror servicecenteras soonas the problemexists. The
warrantyrepairsshould be completedin a reasonableamountof time,not to exceed30 days. If you havea questionregardingyourwarrantycoverage,you should
contact the MTDConsumerGroupInc Service Departmentat 1-800-800-7310.
MTDConsumerGroupInc warrantsto the ultimate purchaserandeachsubsequentpurchaserthatthe lawnmoweris: Designed,builtand equippedso as to
conform withall applicableregulations;andfree from defects in materialsand workmanship that causethe failure of a warrantedpart to be identicalinall material
respectsto that part as describedin MTDConsumerGroupInc'sapplicationfor certification.
The warrantyperiodbeginson the datethe lawn moweris deliveredto an ultimatepurchaseror first placedinto service.The warrantyperiod istwo years.
Subjectto certain conditionsandexclusionsas statedbelow,the warrantyon emission-related parts is asfollows:
1. Any warrantedpartthat is not scheduledfor replacementas requiredmaintenancein the writteninstructionssupplied,is warrantedforthe warrantyperiod
stated above.If the part failsduringthe periodof warrantycoverage,the part will be repairedor replacedby MTDConsumerGroupInc accordingto subsection
(4) below.Any such part repairedor replacedunderwarrantywill be warrantedfor the remainderof the period.
2. Any warrantedpartthat is scheduledonly for regular inspectioninthe writteninstructionssuppliedis warrantedfor the warrantyperiodstated above.Anysuch
part repairedor replacedunderwarrantywill be warrantedforthe remainingwarrantyperiod.
3. Any warrantedpartthat is scheduledfor replacementas requiredmaintenancein the writteninstructionssuppliedis warrantedfor the periodof time beforethe
first scheduledreplacementdate forthat part. Ifthe part fails beforethe first scheduledreplacement,the part will be repairedor replacedby MTDConsumer
GroupInc accordingto subsection(4) below.Any such part repairedor replacedunder warrantywill be warrantedfor the remainderof the periodprior to the
first scheduledreplacementpointfor the part.
4. Repairor replacementof any warrantedpart underthe warrantyprovisionshereinmustbe performedat a warrantystationat no chargeto the owner.
5. Notwithstanding the provisionsherein,warrantyservicesor repairswill be providedat all of our distributioncentersthat are franchisedto servicethe subject
engines or equipment.
6. The lawn mowerowner will not be chargedfor diagnostic laborthat is directly associatedwithdiagnosisof a defecti,a,emission-related warrantedpart,
providedthat such diagnosticwork is performedat a warrantystation.
7. MTDConsumerGroupInc is liablefor damagesto other engineor equipmentcomponentsproximatelycausedby a failure underwarrantyof any warranted
8. Throughoutthe lawnmowerwarrantyperiodstatedabove,MTD ConsumerGroupInc will maintaina supply of warrantedpartssufficientto meetthe expected
demandfor such parts.
9. Any replacementpart may be usedinthe performanceof any warrantymaintenanceor repairsandmust be providedwithoutchargeto the owner.Such use will
not reducethe warrantyobligationsof MTDConsumerGroupInc.
10.Add-on or modifiedparts thatare not exemptedbythe Air ResourcesBoardmay not be used.The use of any non-exempted add-on or modifiedparts bythe
ultimatepurchaserwill be groundsfor disallowinga warrantyclaims.MTDConsumerGroupInc will not be liableto warrantfailuresof warrantedpartscaused
bythe use of a non-exemptedadd-on or modifiedpart.
The repair or replacementof any warrantedpart otherwiseeligible for warrantycoverage maybe excludedfrom such warrantycoverageif MTDConsumerGroup
Incdemonstratesthat the lawn mowerhas beenabused,neglected,or improperlymaintained,andthat such abuse, neglect,or impropermaintenancewasthe
direct causeof the needfor repairor replacementof the part.That notwithstanding, a ny adjustmentof a componentthat has a factory installed,andproperly
operating,adjustmentlimitingdevice is still eligiblefor warrantycoverage.The followingemissionwarrantyparts list are covered:Fuel Line,FuelLine Clamps